Building Forever released

Amazon went live faster than expected, so I’m delighted to say you can now find Building Forever, book 2.5 in The Rebuilding Year series, on Smashwords and Amazon. It should arrive at other venues like iBooks and B&N when it distributes from Smashwords. I had a blast writing Ryan and John again, and I hope you enjoy reading their HEA. Here are the buy links – AZ – AZ UK – Smashwords – … Read more

Sole Support re-released

I’m delighted to see the ebook rerelease of Sole Support go live. I hope it will find some new readers, with the pretty new cover from Lisa Wilde, and a thorough editing polish by Jerry L. Wheeler. This is the last of my Samhain books back on the market, although I have a couple of other returned stories I’m still working on. It feels good to have this one out again. Kellen has a good … Read more

The Rebuilding Year available in audiobook

Audible has released the audio book of The Rebuilding Year– I hope you enjoy this amazing interpretation of the story by Gomez Pugh. He did such a wonderful job of rendering the voices and narration exactly as I envisioned them. <3 (When I get the codes, I will be sending out blog review copies.) So excited!!!!

A wedding, at last

In October, I’m going to release a long-awaited moment in a new novella for John and Ryan from The Rebuilding Year. . Building Forever – The Rebuilding Year, book 2.5 Four years ago, Ryan and John decided they’d wait to get married until it came with full legal equality. Now, thanks to the Supreme Court, that historic moment has finally arrived. But two hundred miles separate Ryan’s hectic residency from John’s busy campus job. With … Read more

My first book out in translation

I’m thrilled to see Life Lessons hit the shelves in the Italian translation as Lezioni Di Vita, and delighted to have Google-translated my way through several very complimentary reviews in Italian. Thanks to Triskell Edizioni for the opportunity, and to Cristina Bruni for what is clearly a skillful translation. I’ve had offers over the last six years to do translations of my work into other languages. For me, it’s always been an interesting mix of … Read more

The Rebuilding Year is coming in audiobook

I’m thrilled to say we are working on a release of The Rebuilding Year in audio with narration by the amazing Gomez Pugh. I’ve previewed the first fifteen minutes and I’m delighted by the voices he has created, especially John’s deep warmth. The finished book should be completed before the end of September, and I will post a release date when we are nearing that point. I’m looking forward to seeing people meet my guys … Read more

Life Lessons in Italian

I’m really excited because my first book in translation is coming out August 18th – an Italian translation of “Life Lessons” from Triskell Edizioni (translated by Cristina Bruni who is an author herself) – And they created such a lovely new cover for me. The plan is to release the rest of the Life Lessons series in the future as well. I hope Italian readers can connect with my American cop and teacher, and enjoy … Read more

Rebuilding Year re-releases

My self-pub versions of The Rebuilding Year and Life, Some Assembly Required, are now available on Amazon and Smashwords. Smashwords will distribute to Barnes & Noble and iBooks in the next 2 weeks. I decided to put The Rebuilding Year on sale for $0.99 until July 31st, hoping that some new readers may decide to take a chance on it at the sale price. If you already own the Samhain versions, these are minor re-edits … Read more

Pride 2017

This weekend I did a booth at Twin Cities Pride with four of my fellow local Midwest Gay-Romance Authors – it was great fun and more comfortable weather this year. (I’m sure the leather crowd was grateful to have 60s instead of 90s this year, too.) We had a little rain each day, but brief enough not to send the crowds home. I met some great people, had fun conversations, and healed my heart a … Read more