What do we do now…

So that happened. I’ve spent the last two hours holding my genderqueer kid, as they shook with fear. And with loss. Because that’s what this election result means to them – loss of a hope, that we might see America – our nation – affirm our diversity and commitment to accept and support citizens like my child. And real fear of what that may mean, in the coming years, for physical and emotional safety in … Read more

GayRomLit afterglow…

It’s Monday, and I’m back home after a five-day trip to GayRomLit in Kansas City, MO. *sigh* For those who don’t know it, GayRomLit is an annual retreat and convention for those who love M/M romance – 400 readers and writers and voice actors and cover artists and friends. This year was my fifth and the event’s sixth year. And next year will be in Denver, Colorado, in mid-October. Just sayin’. I was able to … Read more

Tracefinder giveaway

No, not here πŸ™‚ If anyone has been thinking about trying the Tracefinder series, I’m giving away a copy of the two books on Sidney Lowell’s blog. Sidney created the second cover (and found my perfect Brian for me) – and there are other books from 4 other authors to be won on the Spotlight as well. https://creativemindspromo.com/2016/10/09/sunday-spotlight-giveaway-october-9th-2016/ Feel free to comment here, but my own blogs are not part of the book drawing entries.

“Unsafe Exposure” released

I’m delighted to say that Unsafe Exposure–Hidden Wolves Book 4 is now available. You can find out how Alex deals with Dylan’s total ignorance of his werewolf identity, and Dylan deals with Alex’s closet… On MLR Press: http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=KHUNSEXP On Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Unsafe-Exposure-Hidden-Wolves-Book-ebook/dp/B01LW7MI8Z/ And now on ARe – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-unsafeexposure-2096504-340.html and B&N – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unsafe-exposure-kaje-harper/1124577628?ean=2940156750290 I can’t wait to see what readers think of this one πŸ™‚

Writing and publishing

In October I’ll be at the GayRomLit retreat in Kansas City, with other M/M readers and authors. Today, I’m guest blogging on Two Chicks Obsessed with Books and Eye Candy, about Writing as a Passion, Publishing as a Career. Come check it out. GRL 2016 Blog Tour Stop: Kaje Harper

Meet Dylan and Alex – coming Sept 9th

The fourth Hidden Wolves book – Unsafe Exposure – will release this Friday, Sept 9th. I’d like to introduce you to the guys whose story it tells (with tiny spoilers from the first chapter only): Dylan Shore grew up on the move. He helped take care of his little sister, Frankie, as their mom took them from place to place across Canada, in her quest for a safe, workable home. When his mother died, Dylan … Read more

Writing atypical heroes

I’m guest blogging on Love Bytes, where I discuss writing guys who don’t fit the typical romance-hero patterns. Writing Atypical Heroes

Hidden Wolves book 4 – Unsafe Exposure – Revealed

I’ve been caught up in the release of Tracefinder: Changes but I also have another series book coming out in less than a month… Unsafe Exposure – Hidden Wolves book 4 – will be released by MLR Press on September 9th 2016. I now have the cover, and I’m delighted to show it to you. Blurb: Stepping out of the closet as a gay man may be a walk in the park, compared to coming … Read more