Transgender Visibility, and hope

This is the decade in which, for many Americans, transgender people are moving from an unknown β€œT” in an alphabet-label, to real faces, real names, and real stories. As that happens, opinions, hearts, minds, and laws are changing. Visibility matters, just as it has for all of LGBTQ. Consider Ireland in the spring of 2015, in the months before the vote on equal marriage for same-sex couples. Sure, there were many good public information campaigns. … Read more

Blogging about Betas

I’m blogging on Love Bytes Reviews today, talking about beta readers – what they do, who they are, and how authors and readers connect. Check it out (The link is in the bar below the picture.) Beta Readers – by Kaje Harper

Very best Mother’s Day wishes to everyone.

To the mothers who love their children unconditionally, not thinking they are perfect, but supporting and accepting them even when they’re not. To the people who managed to become adults without that kind of supportive mom in their lives. May the images of this day for others not hurt too much. May you have someone else in your life who gives you unconditional love. To those whose Mother’s Day is bittersweet with loss. My two … Read more

Into Deep Waters audio now whispersync’d

When I released this book on audio, I didn’t expect it to ever be discounted. sets the price for audio books, and the ebook from which it was created has been free for years on Amazon. However… it turns out that Audible has now whispersync’d this title, without changing the free price of the ebook. That means you can now download the ebook on Amazon at no charge ( and then add the audio … Read more

Emotions – we all read a different book

Today I have a guest blog post up on Love Bytes Reviews where I talk about showing character emotions in stories, and why my favorite book may not be yours. Check it out –

International Transgender Day of Visibility March 31

One of the biggest threats to the LGBTQ community is the ignorance of those who are outside it. And even some within it. Gender-spectum individuals – trans and genderfluid and agender and bigender and other non-cis folk – are at the highest risk. They are represented in the public mind by a very small number of individuals (and not always well-represented.) I saw a post recently from a random guy who claimed that he only … Read more

Wolves, GRL, and more

It’s been a good week. I just submitted Hidden Wolves, book 4 – “Unsafe Exposure” to my MLR editor. Hopefully she will enjoy meeting Alex and Dylan, and seeing them navigate the Pack world, as the werewolves’ secrets become a lot harder to keep. My previous guys do have a part in the last half of the book, and I’m planning one more book… at least one more in the series after this to give … Read more

An interview and dueling reviews

I was fortunate enough to be invited to do an interview on Rainbow Gold Reviews, as well as receiving two wonderful and different reviews of Tracefinder: Contact. It’s been fun watching how people respond to Nick and Brian – almost as many reactions as readers. I’m 35K into the sequel – Book 2 – and looking forward to figuring out where these two are going next. πŸ™‚ RGR: In other news, the rough draft … Read more

About writing, choices, and that cover…

Author Gillian St. Kevern invited me onto her blog today to talk about my writing in general, some of the choices I made for Tracefinder: Contact, and how I got that cover (Isn’t he gorgeous?) Stop on by and check out the interview.

How Happy is “Enough for Now”?

I was invited by the amazing Charlie Cochet to come to her blog, The Purple Rose Tea House, for a guest post today. I wrote about something that’s been on my mind, as I just released Tracefinder: Contact Book #1 (of at least 3), and am writing the last words in yet another series book (Hidden Wolves #4)– the question of Happy For Now endings. In M/M romance books and series, we get everything from … Read more