Free and on-sale books

 From Dec 18 to Jan 1 Smashwords is having a big End of Year site-wide sale. Books will be 25, 50, 75% off and Free. I have 3 free, and 2 at 50% off. There are a lot of M/M books in this sale (do note some – including mine – are in all formats including .mobi, some are only epub.) I spotted stories on sale or free from R. Cooper, Clare London, Lisa Oliver, … Read more

Free and .99 holiday stories

Perfect Packages

Author Leta Blake has organized a book sale and giveaway Nov 30 – Dec 4 with a bunch of free or .99 holiday stories. My freebie is Rejoice, Dammit – free through the 4th on Smashwords in all formats. ( Check the full event out –

Blogging on Joyfully Jay and Giving away books on A-OK and NR’s Walker’s group

Today I’m blogging about my writing change and the release of Powered by Ghosts on the blog Joyfully Jay – When I said this book was releasing, Jay didn’t have a regular slot but she kindly slid me into the schedule. I so appreciate the blogs in our genre who do so much to keep readers and authors connected. Joyfully Jay : And tomorrow (Sat Nov 28) I will be on a Facebook Group … Read more

Powered by Ghosts released (with excerpt)

Powered by Ghosts is now available on Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords, and soon on other retailers. I hope readers will enjoy the further adventures of Darien, Silas, and Grim. Darien’s no longer possessed, but that doesn’t mean he’s safe. In a world of sorcerers and necromancers, he’s full of power and potential, but completely ignorant. Necromancer Silas, and Silas’s cat familiar, Grim, are teaching him basic skills, but danger won’t hold off, just because he’s … Read more

Powered by Ghosts up for Preorder

Powered by Ghosts – Necromancer book 2 is up for preorder on both Smashwords and Amazon. It’s been up on Amazon for a while, but they are apparently having a glitch where some preorder books are not showing the cover on the book detail page. I’ve given up on waiting for them to fix it before this promo so just know, the cover is up on the book (AZ assures me it looks fine). And … Read more

Parting Ways and New Editions

 I want to say thank you and goodbye to my time with MLR Press, my publisher for some of my books for the last almost 10 years. They were the ones who took a chance on my very first story, and I have been grateful for their support for my writing. I’m sure they will continue to do well for other authors. In this crazy COVID year, things worked out best for us to part … Read more

Marked by Death now wide and free(er)

Grim, Silas’s cat-familiar, is pleased to see that Marked by Death has now gone wide, to Kobo – Apple – (Not yet at Barnes & Noble – they are having their issues…) And is now Free on Amazon: US – UK – AU – (But not yet CA or DE… because… who knows – hi Canada, Germany, et al, I hope they will do this for you too.) Good free … Read more

Marked by Death released

Marked by Death is now available – currently free on Smashwords in all formats (including an uploaded mobi) and .99 on Amazon – they haven’t price matched yet. I hope readers like this polished and edited version of the guys who started their journey on my FB group. Smashwords: Amazon US: Asking a necromancer for help is scary; falling for him may be downright terrifying. Darien Green’s afraid he’s going insane. The voices … Read more

Upcoming release of the first Necromancer story

A couple of months ago, I wrote what was going to be a flash fiction for my Facebook group. Except it grew into a 49,000 word novella. And then I wrote a sequel. I’ve polished up the first novella – Marked by Death (Necromancer book 1) – and it will release October 24th. I’m hoping to make this one a freebie for everyone now (if I can get Amazon to price match) and then will … Read more