GRL and Facebook

Last week I took time out to attend GRL – GayRomLit 2014. This now-annual retreat for readers and authors of M/M romance has become a highlight for me. The best part is the chance to spend a few days immersed in a large group of people with a shared love for the genre I write and read most. This year it was in Chicago – close enough for me to drive, past scenery like this. … Read more

Coming Out, Equal Marriage, Life and Fiction

This weekend I’ve been preparing to attend the Gay Rom Lit retreat at the end of next week. This now-annual event brings together writers and readers of gay romance to talk about and celebrate the stories and the genre. We have discussions, parties, book readings and more. I’ll have an Author’s Lounge event on Thursday at noon, and a Question and Answer session on Friday at 9 AM. I’m looking forward to all the events … Read more

Win books and more

It’s been a busy week with two releases. Since I had the new novella Nelson & Caleb come out on Friday, I didn’t post a link to my guest blog on Prism Book Alliance the same day. I want to do that now: at Prism Book Alliance I wrote about why I love to read (and write) historical M/M romance. Being asked to do a story for Another Place In Time has been a wonderful … Read more

Nelson & Caleb released

Time passed. The storm outside seemed to come in waves, lulling almost to a gentle rain, and then cresting again in a fury of wind and driven water… One storm. Twelve men. The Storming Love series from MLR Press is a set of six novellas, loosely connected by Hurricane Lauris. In these books you’ll meet men dealing with the storm preparations, the violent, frightening and destructive impact, and the sometimes-heartbreaking aftermath of the hurricane. Each … Read more

Unfair in Love and War story released

Today is the release of the anthology Another Place In Time. I’m really excited. I’m betting that fans who pick this book up to read a story by one favorite author will stay to devour them all. No doubt there will be a lot of “Why haven’t I read this author before??” comments, as readers meet the amazing men who live and breathe, and love, in other times and places, between these covers. . All … Read more

Sharing covers with my heroes

Although perhaps not in the way that first comes to mind. In just two days, the anthology Another Place In Time will be released. It contains historical short stories by the writers whom I most love to read in that genre – Aleksandr Voinov, K.J. Charles, Jordan L. Hawk, Joanna Chambers, and Tamara Allen. This is seriously my dream team of writers. When Susan, from Boys in Our Books came to me with the idea, … Read more

Wolves, good friends, and winners

Unjustified Claims is now available on Amazon so that should be all of the major outlets completed. Um… let the reading begin? I told an author friend, Edmond Manning, last night, as we both obsessed a bit over our book releases, that I was really crappy at promo. I should be out there guest-blogging and Facebooking about my new book, and I’m barely here on my own space discussing it. I run out of things … Read more

Unjustified Claims released

The third Hidden Wolves novel, Unjustified Claims, is now available from MLR Press, and on All Romance ebooks, and Kobo books. It will be out on Amazon tomorrow, Sept 20th. This is the third novel in the ongoing series, and the fifth if you count the two free novellas. While each book is intended to have a complete arc, this story will make a lot more sense if you’ve read the others in the series, … Read more

Wolves, a cover and a contest

In just a week, on Sept 19th, my third Hidden Wolves novel will release from MLR Press. Unjustified Claims is the story of Brandt and Ethan, werewolf and human, and their rocky path toward a relationship. . Brandt Davis loved being part of his Michigan werewolf pack, until they found his stash of gay porn. He escaped their anger, running in wolf-form into the wilderness, but he can’t live that way forever. And he can’t … Read more

Cops, Firefighters and Forensics

In the early morning light, two officers from an eight-man police team in Guilford County moved silently toward a building. Reports said a dangerous felon was holed up inside. Their job was to get him out. Each man wore camo and body armor, including a helmet and eye protection. The officer in front held a rectangular, black shield, with his gun out and aimed past it. The door of the building was closed. A confidential … Read more