GRL 2013 and being a Real Author

Wow. Deep breath. I’m home in Minnesota after five days at GayRomLit in Atlanta. It’s lightly snowing here, and all of that event seems a bit like a dream. Although I did sign “Kaje Harper” on the credit card reader at the grocery store this morning, and had to redo it. GRL was a ton of exhausting fun, with some of the greatest people. I’m going to steal a few pictures from those great people … Read more

Preparing for an introverts’ convention…

This Tuesday I’ll be flying out to GayRomLit – an annual retreat that brings together both readers and writers in the field of M/M romance. This is the third year for GRL, and the event will be in Atlanta, GA. Of the 400 or so attendees, 100 will be authors, and one of those will be, um, me. I went to GRL last year in Albuquerque as a reader, which meant I got to have … Read more

“Nor Iron Bars a Cage” a Rainbow Awards finalist

My free fantasy novel, Nor Iron Bars a Cage, made the list of 2013 Rainbow Awards Finalists! It’s so cool to see my book up there with other great stories I’ve enjoyed this year. (And a few I haven’t read, and must now go track down. More good books πŸ™‚ ) Winners will be announced Dec. 8th. There are a number of categories, including Young Adult, so check out the finalists. The complete lists are … Read more

Gift of the Goddess now available

Storm Moon Press has now released my story from the Carved In Flesh anthology as a stand-alone. (The new cover is the same for all the separate stories.) Gift of the Goddess is a 50 page (20,000 word) novella fantasy story. Blurb: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Garvin’s lover Nyle has been kidnapped by a band of soldiers in need of a smith. In the king’s army, that means he’ll serve until he’s dead, … Read more

Interview, giveaway, plus…

As a lead up to the GayRomLit retreat, The Novel Approach and Joyfully Jay have teamed up to introduce some of the authors who will be attending in Atlanta. I’m one of them, and today is my turn in the spotlight. You can find an interview, and a chance to win a backlist book, including Learning Curve, on The Novel Approach website. Come on by and say hello, and maybe win a book. And find … Read more

Learning Curve on Amazon and ARe

Just a quick update to say that Learning Curve- Life Lessons Book 4 is now available on Amazon; You can find it here on Amazon – US. Release on other vendor sites, including All Romance ebooks, should be later in the month. I want to say thanks to everyone who bought the book directly from MLR Press already, or plans to buy there – it feels like a compliment that you moved fast to get … Read more

Learning Curve released

It’s finally out. πŸ™‚ You can now get Learning Curve – the 4th Life Lessons book, on the MLR Press website. It’s really great to see the book available, although also a little bittersweet since I don’t expect to write more novels for this series, at least for quite a while. I’ll miss Mac and Tony, but I hope you like the place they end up in, and all the adventures along the way. I’ll … Read more

Learning Curve cover, take 2, (and a free book)

Soooo the saga of the cover for this book… When I wrote Life Lessons, MLR press knew there was one sequel coming, if the first book sold well enough to release the second. The artist picked a couple of cover guys – a Tony who was perfect and a Mac who wasn’t even close. (Polished, waxed and grinning, with a gold chain – just, nope.) But she heard my comments and looked around, and changed … Read more

A release date for Learning Curve

I’m in a great mood today, because I have a cover and a release date for Learning Curve. Here’s the cover: And the (almost definitely) release date is September 6th. The book is still in proofing, so there is a very small possibility of delay, but I’m pretty sure it should sail through. I’m looking forward to getting this one out. I hope readers will enjoy watching Mac and Tony work through the situations left … Read more

Hidden treasures

Since my own writing isn’t doing anything new and exciting right now, I thought I’d do a different type of post this time. I usually don’t talk about other people’s books here. I’m not sure why not, except that I tend to keep things compartmentalized. I write a lot of reviews on Goodreads – over 550 so far. I enjoy letting people know about the books I love, and turning new readers on to great … Read more