The next Hidden Wolves short story

On Thursday April 25th, I plan to release the next installment in the Hidden Wolves series. Unwanted Appeal – Hidden Wolves 2.5 This story follows after, and contains spoilers for, Unexpected Demands – Hidden Wolves Book 2. Blurb: Werewolf packs traditionally stay aloof from one another, but gossip still spreads like wildfire. Whispers and rumors about Simon and his mate-bonded male lover, and the pack’s experiences with human were-hunters, are still making the rounds. Aaron, … Read more

Hidden Wolves short story 1.15 is available

You saw the gorgeous cover last week; Unsettled Interlude is now available for free download on Goodreads from its book page, and also on Smashwords in multiple formats. At 11,000 words, this is about a double-length expansion of the short story “Interlude” that I’ve had on my blog and website. Don’t read this before the first Hidden Wolves book, Unacceptable Risk, because of spoilers. If you’ve read Risk, then this story adds an extra glimpse … Read more

A new cover and upcoming stories

Today I finished the rough draft of the free story I’m writing for the Goodreads M/M Romance Group’s summer “Love Has No Boundaries” event. It’s going to be a somewhat angsty fantasy novel (over 90K because I’m addicted to writing.) I can’t tell you the title, since the group likes to play guessing games with that, but it will be a summer release. I’ll be able to give you some more information about it later. … Read more

Looking ahead

I haven’t posted for a while, partly because I’ve been busy with real life and partly because I haven’t released anything new. In the past I’ve usually had an impending release to blog about, so it’s been a bit odd so far this year to have nothing. But I thought I’d let you know a few plans going forward. The fourth Life Lessons book was accepted by MLR Press, and is in editing. I can’t … Read more

Win Rebuilding Year in paperback – redux

For the month of Februaury, I ran a giveaway drawing through Goodreads for a couple of paper copies of The Rebuilding Year and they’ve pulled two winners out of the hat. Out of more than 750 entires – wow! I had a link here on my WordPress blog too, and someone pointed out to me that you had to be a member of Goodreads to enter the drawing. People who were not, couldn’t get into … Read more

Going For Gold – giveaway

Right now the review site Joyfully Jay is doing a book giveaway for their “Jock Week”. They have 64 books as prizes, with many wonderful titles from top M/M authors. Among the prizes are two copies of the anthology Going for Gold which contains my story Tumbling Dreams about a gymnast aiming for the Olympics, along with 7 other great stories. You can enter your name and top choices at Joyfully Jay Jock Week Giveaway. … Read more

A cover for Sole Support

I now have the cover for Sole Support from Samhain Publishing: He can find a use for his lover’s hands…except when he needs help the most. Blurb: Kellen is short on cash—at least until his first novel starts to sell—but he has plenty of friends. None of them, unfortunately, share his love of books. For that he turns to IM chats with Mike from his online book group. Though he manages to coax the shy, … Read more

The Rebuilding Year in paperback

My stand-alone contemporary romance The Rebuilding Year which released in ebook format last March, is now available from Samhain in paperback format (and is currently significantly discounted at several retailers, including at Samhain’s own site.) If you’re not a big fan of ebooks, you can now hold this one in your hands. I’m doing a giveaway for a couple of signed copies on Goodreads via their giveaway program (I hope – I’ve never tried it … Read more

I made the author list at Jessewave!

I try not to post about good reviews and making best-of lists too much, because the books should stand for themselves with everyone making their own judgments. So I hesitated to post this, right after the bit about the M/M group awards. Which I am still really thrilled about because… yeah, a whole bunch of readers voted for my books. *Big grin* But this blew me away, and I am so chuffed. (Isn’t that a … Read more

M/M Romance Group Member Choice Awards

The M/M Romance Group had their second annual Member Choice Awards announcement this morning. These awards are always fun, because it’s not just a few knowledgeable individuals rating the books, but votes from the people who count most – readers, like the 9000+ who make up the group. These awards mean a lot. I had a bunch of nominations this year. (Okay, I did count them – 36.) Each of those was a gift, of … Read more