My favorite reads of 2021 – Happy New Year

As we begin a new year, I wanted to post my Favorite Reads of 2021 (among hundreds of books I really enjoyed – a huge thank-you to not just these 13 authors, but the many, many authors whose books helped make 2021 less bleak and more survivable. Thank you for all you do!! ) In no particular order:   …… Master of Hounds (Master of Hounds #1 ) by R.A. Steffan I really enjoyed this … Read more

Life Lessons in audio; Breaking Cover now in ebook and paper

Life Lessons is now available in audio book. JF Harding knocked it out of the park – his narration for Life Lessons is amazing. (4.9* from the early reviews.) Check out how well he captures the characters and all the emotional nuances of the story. (Books 2, 3, and 4 will be coming in audio – just waiting for his schedule to have spaces.) Audible : Apple : … Breaking Cover is now … Read more

“Where the Heart Is” rereleased

Back in 2011, MLR Press invited me to do a short story for their Advent calendar. Short and sweet hasn’t been my usual style, but I wrote Where the Heart Is and had a lot of fun with my young veterinarian figuring out his life and what really matters. I’m delighted to have this warm holiday story back out, with a cover that matches. (Thanks to DC Williams for the help.) Where the Heart Is … Read more

Life Lessons is back with new covers and in KU

I’m delighted to finally have my most popular series – Life Lessons – coming back into print. I decided, for this series which has been wide for a decade, I would take the chance to, for once, put it up on KU, to see if new readers might find it. (And if previous readers want to see the minor changes I made, they can read the new version without buying it.) It will go wide … Read more

Unplanned Coda released (and Book 2 on sale)

Today I released the final wrap-up ―(hush, Simon, yes, actually final)― novella of the Hidden Wolves series – Unplanned Coda. Paul has a few rough moments in here, and Simon wanted the story, and their triumph of an HEA against those impossible odds they first faced in Unacceptable Risk, on the page. You can find Unplanned Coda – Book 7 on almost all vendors. It’s up on Google Play, but may not be live yet … Read more

Coming releases and blogging thoughts

I’m looking forward to the release of the unexpected seventh story in Hidden Wolves – Unplanned Coda, releasing on the 23rd, and in preorder on AZ now. (Will be released wide, but the timing was too tight for preorders.) I’m also delighted that JF Harding is now busy recording the audio for Life Lessons – I love his work. How do you define Happy Ever After? I’m blogging today on Love Bytes Reviews about expanding … Read more

Heading for GRL 2021

I’m looking forward to GayRomLit – the M/M romance book conference happening in St. Louis MO this year, October 6-10. I have books to bring, swag (including some cute stickers and buttons with Necromancer art by Catherine Dair), and some other stuff. (The book signing on Oct 9th is open to the public BTW.) You can get FREE books from 41 of the attending (or in a couple of cases were attending but had to … Read more

Nelson & Caleb now available

Today I’ve rereleased Nelson & Caleb – my novella that was part of the Storming Love hurricane-setting series (all stand-alones). Nelson was one of those characters who is fun for a pantser to write. He started talking to me, and I loved this ordinary big guy with the three therapy dogs and a kind heart. But I didn’t know why he didn’t already have a boyfriend and 2.5 kids – he seemed like the type. … Read more

Nelson & Caleb is available for preorder

I’ve been rereleasing some of my MLR books, and I’m delighted to get this novella back out again. This time my new cover has Nelson, the photo that inspired the story, and Bonnie, his therapy dog. Nelson & Caleb was part of the Storming Love series, but this story of forced proximity and making a connection stands completely on its own. One hurricane, two men, three dogs, a very wet cat, and a secret. You … Read more

Author interview and giveaway

I was given the chance to do an author interview on the blog of a favorite author of mine – R.J. Scott (Check out her excellent hockey fic, in particular.) Come read a bit about my writing process and plans. If you comment, there is also a drawing for a set of the first three Necromancer books. RJ has been amazing at opening up opportunities for other authors, and I’m delighted to have a showcase … Read more