Audiobooks coming soon

I’m delighted to announce that the audiobooks for Life, Some Assembly Required and Building Forever are finished, proof-listened, and submitted to ACX/Audible. I’m told the time to process and release can be anywhere from a couple of days to 14 days, so they should come out this month. Fingers crossed for a release before Christmas. I know listeners will enjoy hearing Gomez Pugh do his usual wonderfully nuanced and voiced performance of John, Ryan, Torey, … Read more

Character chat and adding a new publisher

I have two blog posts up in the last couple of days. On Love Bytes Reviews I’m interviewing Luke and Mason, of Fair Isn’t Life, about how they first knew each other. Spotlight incl Character Interview: Kaje Harper – Fair Isn’t Life And on Dreamspinner’s own blog, I’m talking about working with a new publisher, and serendipity. Fair Isn’t Life, and Joining the Dreamspinner Family by Kaje Harper

Meet Mason

I’m blogging on My Fiction Nook today, with my inspiration picture for Mason in Fair Isn’t Life and an exclusive excerpt in his POV. Mason didn’t make it onto the cover, but that doesn’t mean he takes second seat to Luke. Like, at all. πŸ™‚

Fair Isn’t Life release day

Today is release day for Fair Isn’t Life, my Minnesota story in the Dreamspinner States of Love series. I hope that readers will enjoy meeting Luke and Mason, and also that they’ll be interested in seeing a state that I love. This book is both a second chances story for two young men who deserve love in their lives, and a portrait of how some of the changes in our Midwest way of life play … Read more

An excerpt from the upcoming “Fair Isn’t Life”

I was graciously invited to blog on MM Good Book Reviews about my upcoming Minnesota-based States of Love romance – Fair Isn’t Life – check out the page for an exclusive excerpt that introduces readers to Luke, my Minnesota farm boy. (The book releases Nov 16th.) Fair Isn’t Life by Kaje Harper Blog Tour, Guest Post & Exclusive Excerpt!

Flash fiction to celebrate Boy Meets Boy Reviews’ anniversary

In our book community, we owe a lot to our wonderful review bogs, who support and entertain us, and find and review books for us. Boy Meets Boy Reviews is celebrating their 5th anniversary this month with short fiction from many M/M writers, plus a variety of giveaways and posts. Yesterday, Kim Fielding started things off with a great little flash fiction. Today, I have a very short piece up for my picture prompt (content … Read more

An introvert goes to GayRomLit

As I head to GayRomLit in Portsmouth VA I blogged on Love Bytes Reviews about being an introvert heading to a conference. BTW – If you are at GRL and looking for me, * I have an author lounge Thursday 9-9:45 am * My Q&A session is Thurs at 3-3:15 pm * I have another lounge Fri 10-10:45 am * I’ll be at the Indie bookselling table 3-4:30 Fri pm * K-lee Klein has invited … Read more

Love and Lint Rollers released

Oops, I got busy and failed to realize I never posted this. Love and Lint Rollers came out on Tuesday, and is available at the links below. πŸ™‚ Book links : Amazon – Barnes & Noble – Kobo – iBooks – Smashwords –