Fun! and win Home Work in paperback

This has been just a fun week so far! First I got to see a rough version of the cover for my upcoming Samhain book, Sole Support. Yes, the book still isn’t coming out until June, but Samhain is always waaaay out in front with everything. I like this cover a lot. Second, I wrote a lot on Life Lessons #4 in the last few days, and I’m 2/3 done with the book. I’m still … Read more

Happy 2013

So that was 2012 – wow. It was a year of ups and downs for me, with lots of pain and anxiety on the personal side. But that was balanced by wonderful support and success on the professional side. The very best part was finding all the friends, readers, reviewers, authors, and other folk whom I met online in the past year. I’m going to start and end by saying: Thank you all for your … Read more

Happy Holidays and a chance to win

I want to wish all my friends online the very best for a Happy Holiday Season with friends and family. May you find yourself in a good place this weekend – with people you love, people you are comfortable with, or even just your own good company, a treat or two and some excellent books. I hope you have safe travels, good food, and moments of peace, grace and joy. I’ve received so many intangible … Read more

Compensations – Life Lessons 3.5 Available

Ok, I think all the bugs are out and it’s good to go. This is a short story that takes place after Home Work. There are some major spoilers for Home Work in here, so if you haven’t read the third novel you’ll want to wait on this one. You can read the continuing story of Mac and Tony on my website here or download it from Goodreads. (PDF, epub and mobi – thanks to … Read more

Upcoming, and a cover for Life Lessons 3.5

When Home Work came out, I promised there would eventually be more of Mac and Tony’s story. Next Sunday, December 9th, I plan to release Compensations, a free 10K short story about the guys’ New Year’s weekend. The time frame is just a week after the end of Home Work, and offers a small taste of things to come and maybe the answer to one dangling question. The amazing Enny Kraft has done another gorgeous … Read more

NaNoWriMo and Works in Progress

As some of you may be aware, NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is an activity some of us undertake in the month of the November. It’s open to anyone, published or not, who wants to join in and try to get some words down, helped by the added encouragement you get from doing it as a group. The idea is to start a novel and write 50,000 words in the course of the thirty … Read more

Please Vote

It’s election day here in the US. I wasn’t going to post anything political, but I’ve been overhearing conversations for the last couple of days that bother me. People saying “Well, my state is so Blue/Red that my vote doesn’t count anyway.” Please Vote. There is (thank God) no state in the Union so homogeneous that all public officials are from the same party or elected by acclaim. Those smaller races are important too. The … Read more

A tiny Jacob & Daniel freebie

When I went to GayRomLit I wasn’t registered as an author. So I didn’t bring swag or books to sign. Some readers actually brought along their own copies of my books. That was such a trip, to think that they bothered to pack those, just so I could write in them. I signed at least a dozen, and I love you all. Thank you! But I did want to have something on hand to sign, … Read more

GayRomLit 2012

GayRomLit was an intense experience for me. As an introvert, a relatively new author, and a first time attendee, I had no idea what to expect. I’d only met people as Kaje Harper the writer twice before, and never in a group that size. The four days went by fast, and instead of trying to tell you all about it, I’m going to pull out some highlights and memorable moments (but no pictures -sorry, I … Read more

Amazon and GayRomLit

The release of Home Work was made a little more stressful this week because of a problem with the Amazon listing. Amazon has apparently changed the way they apply the tags that are on a book when it’s uploaded. In the name of “simplifying”, they reduced the number of places a book could be initially listed, and went alphabetical. As a result, Home Work was linked under Erotica but not Gay & Lesbian on Amazon … Read more