Remembering Dad

Happy Father’s Day… My own dad was born in 1918, and died nine years ago. I still miss him, and always will. He was the kind of man who made you believe the romance book heroes, proof that men like that can be found – honorable, compassionate, intelligent, gentle, courteous and a man who always put his family first. He was a teacher, who loved nothing more than seeing a bright young mind catch on … Read more

Not just one way to be transgender…

I had an interesting conversation with a trans guy who is a friend of mine. He was talking about how he’s both pleased, and yet feeling a bit invisible, with recent increases in trans stories out in the public eye. The easiest narrative to understand, about being trans, is the one where the little trans girl at the tender age of two and three and four rejects all the boy stuff – the work-boots and … Read more

Friends, reviews and love

For someone with a bunch of books out, I’m still fumbling around to find the best way to share my excitement over them with readers. I’ve had so many lovely reviews over the last few years (Thank you, wonderful reviewers!!), and my response has always been to do happy dances in private. But a dear friend (yes, you, Edmond Manning) told me that readers don’t mind being directed to a few of the good reviews. … Read more

“Life, Some Assembly Required” release day

“Life, Some Assembly Required”, the sequel to “The Rebuilding Year”, is now available at Samhain Publishing where there’s a new release discount :), at All Romance ebooks, and on Amazon. Finding love in the ashes was easy. Building a life together? Don’t make Fate laugh. After spending the first part of his life chasing pretty girls, love has finally come to Ryan in the form of John, a tall, lanky, red-headed landscape architect with wide … Read more

I hear voices…

I hear voices in my head Of course, as a writer, many times voices are a good thing. They whisper lines to me, make bad jokes, tell me about their fears, complain, breathe secrets, and lead me forward to a story. Or more than one story. I often get asked how I plan which book to write, how I come up with ideas, and whether story X will get a sequel. It’s a bit weird … Read more

Opening hearts and minds to trans*

Hop Against Homophobia, Bi- and Transphobia 2015! I signed up for the Hop this year without time for a lot of planning (given a book deadline on the 15th). So I’m just going to talk about what’s in my heart right now, on this May 17th – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia . The last few years have seen significant advances in LGBTQ rights, with real hope for equal marriage in Ireland, by … Read more

Supporting bigotry in high places

There’s a crude video game recently released out there that gives players points for protecting heterosexual game characters, by shooting the faggots – the guys in pink shirts, making their heads explode in blood. Oh, yeah, and you get even more points by identifying and shooting the tranny freaks. Like my kids. You lose points if you shoot the good heterosexuals. Am I appalled? Of course. And while, yes, this is one person and his … Read more

It is up to all of us

As we wait to see if US law will protect LGBT marriage… As we watch angry people turn to violence against oppression… It is important to remember: We are all responsible. For bullying. For abuse of power. All of us. I see people pointing fingers a lot, and talking about how this person or that should have done more to stop an abusive behavior in various venues, and I think, “We all need to actually … Read more

Giveaways and more

Hey, everyone, I have two things going on today 🙂 The first is that I’m featured on Prism Book Alliance’s “Retro Reads Author Spotlight” today. They are featuring “The Rebuilding Year” and at the end of the interview there is the chance for one lucky commenter to win either a copy of “The Rebuilding Year” or… an advance copy of the new sequel, “Life, Some Assembly Required.” Your choice. So go check out the interview, … Read more

Life, Some Assembly Required pre-orders

Yay!! **happy dances** I got the final pdf, epub and mobi book files for “Life, Some Assembly Required” from Samhain. That means it is going up for pre-order, and it also means I can’t tweak it any more, LOL. I’m looking forward to seeing what readers think of the second half of John and Ryan’s rebuilding year, with Mark and Torey… Samhain is so on top of their game that the book is already on … Read more