Happy Holidays

I want to wish everyone a happy holiday. In our house we celebrate Christmas (although only the dog celebrates by trying to hunt down Santa and kill his hat.) I’m lucky enough to have family home for the holidays, and we will prepare the feast for Christmas Day tomorrow, my vegan husband having shot and dragged home a large Tofurky. I hope you all have good food, friends, family or books to enjoy. I’m still … Read more

Exciting Book News

First I want to remind you that Life Lessons will be MLR’s free book of the day on their website tomorrow, Dec. 22nd 2014. (Midnight to midnight US Pacific time.) If you’ve been thinking about maybe reading it, but hesitated to spend the money, here’s your chance. Although Life Lessons is the first in a series, the story stands alone as a HFN ending (and the two short stories immediately after Book 1 are free.) … Read more

Free Books from MLR Press

Starting today, Dec 13th, MLR Press will give away free downloads of one book each day for the twelve days of Christmas. Each book will be free for 24 hours, from midnight Pacific time. Before I run off panicking about only twelve days till Christmas, let me give you the list of free books and the link. These are each the first book in one of MLR’s most popular series. Life Lessons – book 1 … Read more

Rainbow Awards

The winners and runners-up for the 2014 Rainbow Awards were announced last night. So many excellent books – I love that there are enough great stories to have categories like “Best Bisexual Romance” or “Best Transgender Debut”. My collection of free short stories from my YA LGBT Books group – Rainbow Briefs (published under the pen name Kira Harp) – was voted second in the Best LGBT Anthology / Collection category. Many thanks to everyone … Read more

Flash Fiction Holiday Blog Hop – “Promise”

40 writers, one picture. Thorny, Kris and L.C. came up with the idea for a bunch of us to write holiday flash fiction for the same prompt. You can find links to all the other writers in the blog hop on this InLinkz page. The stories will appear between Dec 1 and Dec 7. (The exact timing is each author’s own choice.) We each wrote a short piece, 500-3000 words, for this picture – a … Read more

Giving Thanks for the Small Things

Did someone say “Turkey”? I’m not a huge fan of the whole Thanksgiving extravaganza. Part of that is the introvert thing – too many people in one place for too long, and it gets claustrophobic even when they’re my family or friends. Also, I grew up in Canada, and although stuffed turkeys and pecan pie made their way across the border (to be improved by a collision with maple syrup) we didn’t have all the … Read more

Thanks for the nominations!

The M/M Romance group on Goodreads has begun their annual 2014 Member Choice Awards. Right now, in the nomination phase, members are naming the Oct 2013-2014 releases they feel deserve recognition in 42 categories of M/M, from “Best Hurt/Comfort” to “Best Historical”, from “Best Story That Should Have A Sequel” to “Best Paranormal”, plus a couple of All-Time Favorite awards. I’ve been delighted to see my work from this year nominated more than a dozen … Read more

Talking books and finding a title

Today, I’m a guest at Boy Meets Boy Reviews. They asked me some questions about writing and books. (I had to pick a dozen favorite Desert-Island-Keeper books. Only a dozen? It was torture. I love my ereader with 1400 books on there…) If you stop by and comment, you can enter a drawing for a free ebook of your choice of any of my backlist. I’m also trying to find a title for the sequel … Read more

Chat tonight Oct 30-31

Tonight, along with many other of my favorite authors, I’m going to be doing a live chat in celebration of M/M Romance and Halloween. This event was organized by Marc, of Rainbow Gold Reviews. This will be a 24 hour marathon with new authors every hour. I start it off, with author Hans M. Hirschi whom I actually met at GayRomLit. A very interesting guy – we had a great discussion of queer lit and … Read more

A little story, and Facebook

First, I have a little post with a 2K story out today in celebration of This event has been going on all of October, celebrating the genre with several posts a day. The contributions touch on all areas of the LGBTQ romance rainbow, including many M/M. I hope you like my story, “Legacy.” Then stick around, read everything else, from great flash fiction to personal stories of real life proposals to commentary on romance in … Read more