A freebie short, and a chance to win

Today I’m on the blog of The Gemini Girls, participating in their July Fever event. Of course, given the choice of writing a blog post or a story… I wrote a story. You’ll find a little 2500 word short, titled In the Rockets’ Red Glare. If you comment there is also a chance to win any of my backlist books (and if you see the covers posted are freebies, that’s just because they’re my latest; … Read more

An interview on Jamie Lake’s blog

I have an interview posted on the blog of author Jamie Lake. Jamie asked questions about getting started, my writing process, and advice for potential authors. Jamie also had other author guests you might be interested in, if you flip through the posts. I saw Matthew J. Metzger, Drew Hunt and Stormy Glenn among others. Check it out.

Okay, Kaje, where are the stories?

Hi everyone. *sheepish smile* So some of you have noticed I haven’t released a new book for six months. Well… I have been writing, but between betas and editors and all the details of completing stories, things got a bit clogged in the pipeline. So what is coming up? The Family We Make (Finding Family #2) is in editing. I dumped the whole 145,000 word story on some poor beta readers, but they are getting … Read more

Sole Support is out in paperback

Samhain Publishing has just released the paperback version of my book Sole Support, about a year after the ebook released, as is their standard practice. It should be available on all the usual vendors, including Directly from Samhain. If you’re one of the readers for whom this book struck a chord and you want it in paper, it’s now available. I’m also giving away two copies to commenters on either my Goodreads or WordPress blog. … Read more

Love’s Landscapes – Don’t Read in the Closet 2014

Today marks the start of the now-annual free M/M story event from the Goodreads M/M Romance Group. In their Love’s Landscapes Stories folder every day through June, July, August and into September, there will be new stories posted in response to picture prompts. The length varies from 2000 to over 80,000 words, the content from humor to erotica to sweet romance to sci fi, mystery and more. Look at the story tags in the first … Read more

Finding great YA reads – Vivaldi in the Dark

As the moderator of the Goodreads Young Adult LGBT Books group, I’m reading quite a few Young Adult books these days. I’ve always loved good YA stories, for the emotional rewards they can deliver. I lived for books as a teen. They gave me worlds to walk in, and mirrors to see myself as not strange and not alone. In the hands of a good author, a YA book can pull you in and make … Read more

If you could read just 1500 of my words…

In October, I’m going to be attending the GayRomLit reader/author event in Chicago. I managed to get an author spot off the wait-list, and I look forward to it with mingled anticipation and anxiety. Going as an author involves a bit more prep and decision making than going as a reader (when my big decision was “how to I dress to meet Amy Lane?” – the answer to which turned out to be, any way … Read more

Submitting “Laser Visions”

As the clock ticks over to one AM on May 3rd, the intrepid writer finally works up the nerve to hit the “send” button… winging her words across cyberspace, only two days overdue. I’ve finally submitted my story for this summer’s free story writing event, Love’s Landscapes – Don’t Read in the Closet 2014 from the Goodreads M/M Romance group. This is the event that in past years inspired my stories “Like the Taste of … Read more

Why write M/M?

I’m guest-blogging today on Vampires, Crime and Angels. This is the blog of author Elaine White, a recent convert to the M/M side of romance. Her readership has been mainly M/F and she invited me over to talk about M/M romance – why I love it, why I write it, and where to find my freebies for a risk-free taste. (Just try this first hit, free…) Go on by if you want to know why … Read more

Progress and a title

I thought I’d post quickly, since it’s been a couple of weeks, to let you know what I’m up to. My free story for the M/M Group’s Don’t Read in the Closet event coming this summer is now drafted, at about 65,000 words. (Yeah, I said I was staying short. I clearly lied. However it is 40K shorter than last year ๐Ÿ™‚ ) The title will be Laser Visions and it’s a near-future paranormal story. … Read more