Stand alone books and one more giveaway

This is my final week as the Author of the Month at My Fiction Nook. This time they’re featuring three of my stand-alone books. They also asked for a little piece of writing from me, and I totally missed the deadline to send it to them. Oops. You see, they suggested “Maybe something funny,” and I went into total block on it. There are writers who can tell a funny little anecdote at the drop … Read more

Featuring Wolves and another book drawing

For my third week as Author of the Month at My Fiction Nook, they are featuring my Hidden Wolves stories. There is an excerpt from the first book in the series, Unacceptable Risk, and a drawing for a free ebook. My werewolves started long before I ever published anything, and before I ever went online to find M/M books. I’d only read what was on library shelves and in bookstores, and we all know how … Read more

A new cover, and progress

I just got a new cover from my designer, Enny Kraft. And I love it. This is for the second book in the “Finding Family” series. The book is a contemporary romance, and features Sam from The Family We’re Born With, his younger brother Rick, and 20-year-old Travis, a Minnesota guy whose life is turning upside down. I’ll have the blurb for you down the road, but for now, enjoy the cover. The rough draft … Read more

Life Lessons, a free book, and me

This week on My Fiction Nook the focus is on the Life Lessons series. There’s an excerpt of Mac and Tony striking sparks for the first time, in Book 1, and links for all the series novels. Check out my interview with Heather, and leave a comment for another drawing for a free back-list ebook. Congratulations to last week’s winner. I’ll be emailing your book shortly. And on a related note, if you bought Breaking … Read more

Interviews, excerpts and a chance to win

One of the fun things happening is that I get to be an author of the month in two places. The first is on the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads, where there’s a thread open to discuss my books. The second is on “My Fiction Nook”. My Fiction Nook is a review and book commentary blog, and they were kind enough to feature me for March (in sparkly purple letters, no less.) That link will … Read more

In which I gear up for the next (say it softly) freebie

I’m busy these days writing the second “Finding Family” book, The Family We Make. It’s Rick’s story, and to some degree his brother Sam’s. I hope to self-publish this one, although not for free, and dip my toes into the official self-pub waters. I also have two books, the next Hidden Wolves, and The Rebuilding Year sequel, in line for editing. Real life stuff has slowed me down, but I’m getting back into the swing … Read more

“Changes Coming Down” – you had questions?

Since I released my short free novel, Changes Coming Down in Hunting Under Covers a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had people PM and email me with questions. Since several were repeats, I thought I’d put the answers in a blog (because I’m lazy that way.) What is your actual story in the anthology about? The anthology blurb doesn’t say. When I put it on my book list on my website, I had to come … Read more

Second interview and Giveaways

I said yesterday that I did two interviews, and of course they came out on the same day. ๐Ÿ™‚ The second one is more general, about my other books and my writing, and what is upcoming with my WIPs. It’s also longer, because Marc, the interviewer, is a friend. When we start chatting it goes on for a bit. Commenting at the end of that interview puts you in the running for a free backlist … Read more

Interview about my three guys

I’ve done a couple of interviews about writing my first M/M/M menage story. Casey, Will and Scott were fun to watch emerging from the story. I spent three weeks deeply immersed in the relationship balance between an ex-Marine small-town sheriff, a ranch foreman with a lonely past, and a pro hockey player who is gone on the road more than he’s home. The first interview is posted on Shayla’s Little Shell, the blog of author … Read more

Changes Coming Down (anthology story) released

I know I said I wasn’t writing any more freebies for a bit. I have my books in existing series waiting for me to work on them. But here’s another freebie. It wasn’t my idea, honestly… For those who are members of the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, you may know that there are some book-reading games there. I’ve played Bingo, where teams read books for categories that fill up a bingo card. It’s a lot … Read more