Goodbye 2013

So that was 2013. Well… On the personal-life side, it was the year in which I learned to use “but no one is dead, yet” as a positive statement. Enough said. But on a book and writing side, it was a pretty good year. I went to the Gay Rom Lit retreat as an author this year. For the first time, I created Kaje Harper swag, in the form of magnets and plot-bunnies, and ducks. … Read more

The Season of Peace and Goodwill, and Giant Rawhides

Some of my family are fortunately easy to please. And there is a satisfaction in making someone happy, even if it’s just the dog. This is the season for caring about each other, for sharing what we have with those less fortunate, and for doing the little things that make people smile. I’m trying to take a deep breath and remember that. Life has been crazy lately, and until yesterday I had done no Christmas … Read more

“The Family We’re Born With” released

My free holiday short story, The Family We’re Born With, is now available from Smashwords. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get it up on ARe, and for the usual initial .99 price to charity at Amazon. ETA: Now up both places 🙂 Links ARe, Amazon. Enny Kraft helped me get the cover pretty: I hope you enjoy meeting Devin and Jesse, Jesse’s half-brother, Sam, his mom, and the rest of the family he was born with. I … Read more

Two Good Things

Despite the week of cold here (minus numbers Fahrenheit are cold) and Friday the Thirteenth trying to outdo itself, two good things happened today. One is that I found out I made the short list of five authors nominated for Favorite M/M Author of 2013 on Jessewave. The voting just started today, and I already got a few votes and a couple of nice comments. 🙂 *warm fuzzies abound*. The list includes Amy Lane, Harper … Read more

Don’t Pay for my Freebies!

Just a warning to my readers, since I found a site selling my free stories. The following titles should all be free: Into Deep Waters And To All a Good Night Like the Taste of Summer Nor Iron Bars a Cage Lies and Consequences Show Me Yours Compensations Getting It Right Unwanted Appeal Unsettled Interlude Within Reach Can’t Hurt to Believe also the upcoming release The Family We’re Born With Don’t pay anyone for these … Read more

Love for “Nor Iron Bars” and updates

I wanted to share my pleasure at having my free novel, Nor Iron Bars a Cage, tie for second place in the Best Gay Fantasy category of the 2013 Rainbow Awards. The book also tied for tenth for Best Gay Novel. This is so cool, especially when you check out the competition. You can follow the link to the Awards to find all the winners. Congratulations to everyone! I also thought I’d update you on … Read more

Caroling for Turkey

This was going to be a standard Happy Thanksgiving post (and still is, kinda.) But as I sat down to write it, my little dog, who is my writing companion and muse and an annoying little brat, asked to go for a walk. Looks sweet and harmless, even thoughtful, doesn’t he? Ha, I wish! Sometimes he talks to me, and today it was one of those typical conversations: Dog-muse : So, today is Thanksgiving. More … Read more

Win a copy of Hidden Wolves Books 1 and 2

The Novel Approach review site and blog is running a feature they call “Backlist Book Bump.” They’ve invited authors to talk about a favorite book from their backlist, and offer a chance at a free copy. When Lisa invited me to participate, I wasn’t sure which book to choose. But I’ve recently finished the third Hidden Wolves book, in first draft anyway, and that pulled me back into the world of the Pack and its … Read more

Rainbow Briefs released

My Young Adult short story collection, Rainbow Briefs, under my YA pen name, Kira Harp, is now available for download on Goodreads – click the “download ebook” button and All Romance ebooks. You can also get it for .99 (with royalties going to benefit The Trevor Project) on Amazon. There will soon be a print version from CreateSpace/Amazon, that will sell at cost. (About $5.77) And once Smashwords decides to like my file, it will … Read more

Rainbow Briefs coming Saturday

On Saturday, November 2nd, I will release Rainbow Briefs , under my Young Adult fiction pen name, Kira Harp. Many of you know I write some YA stories, in addition to the M/M romance, although very little is published so far. On the Goodreads YA LGBT Books group that I help moderate, we choose a picture prompt each month and write stories for it. And after almost two years, I have a bunch of YA … Read more