Long time no post

Hey everyone, I realized it’s been a month since I posted anything. Real life took over for a bit – a family member had a health issue (somewhat ironically, severe left-side head trauma, among other major problems) and we’ve been dealing with the aftermath. I’m still writing the third Hidden Wolves book, currently about 3/4 done. And editing my Young Adult freebie collection. My editor also had real-life issues with a death in her family, … Read more

Work and play

It’s been a busy couple of weeks on the real life front, not always in a good way, but I still got some writing done. Today I have a short blog piece in the All Romance ebooks Café newsletter. A bunch of M/M authors have written pieces there through the month of June for Pride, so you might check it out. I’m putting together a collection of my Young Adult free short stories from my … Read more

Interview and giveaway

Hey there. I’m up on Hearts on Fire Reviews with an interview and a chance to win a free copy of Sole Support. Come check out my long answers to short questions (big surprise, right?) I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a featured author for them. I also just put Into Deep Waters up on Amazon; I had enough requests to do so, even though I have to charge .99 for it there. We’ll … Read more

Sole Support released

I’m delighted to say that my contemporary novel, Sole Support, is now available. (Samhain has it discounted as a new release on their website and it will be up on other retail booksellers’ sites shortly.) Blurb: He can find a use for his lover’s hands…except when he needs help the most. Kellen is short on cash—at least until his first novel starts to sell—but he has plenty of friends. None of them, unfortunately, share his … Read more

Nor Iron Bars a Cage released

I’m delighted that Jen over on the Goodreads M/M group has decided to put my fantasy novel Nor Iron Bars a Cage up today on the Love Has No Boundaries free story event, as the group’s June first release. You can find the read-online version on the group if you are a member on this thread – Nor Iron Bars a Cage. A downloadable version is available now, at the M/M group’s new story hosting … Read more

A week until Sole Support; win a copy

My next novel, Sole Support, comes out from Samhain in a week, on June 4th. I’m both excited and nervous about the release. (What else is new, right?) This book was one I wrote as both something fun and creative, and a therapy of sorts, working through the emotions of an elderly parent’s downhill slide. It was my chance to pull out a happy ending for those who love her, if not for the parent … Read more

Love Has No Boundaries – coming soon

I’m a member of the Goodreads M/M Romance group, and we’re gearing up for the annual free story event – this year called Love Has No Boundaries. There are about 180 stories planned, and three have already been released early. The main event gets started June 1st, with a couple of stories appearing daily through June and July, and possibly into August. Some of my best stories (Into Deep Waters, Like the Taste of Summer, … Read more

International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia

Today is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. There’s a blog hop going on among authors and publishers for this event – and I’m not actually part of it. (Life got a bit complex and I just missed the chance to sign up officially. I put a link for you at the bottom of the post.) But I still wanted to write something today. And if you read down, there is a prize drawing … Read more

current projects

So, a progress report… I’ve turned in my free story for the Goodreads M/M Romance group event, Love Has No Boundaries. My “short story” ended up as a 103,600 word fantasy novel. (Oops.) It’s pretty much classic fantasy, with a hurt-comfort friends-to-lovers type of M/M romance at its heart. There’s no fixed release date at present – sometime between now and August is as close as I know – and the cover’s not quite ready, … Read more

Unwanted Appeal – Hidden Wolves 2.5 available

I’ve uploaded the files to Smashwords and Goodreads for this free short story (or is 33,000 words a novella?) Either way, Unwanted Appeal – Hidden Wolves 2.5 takes place shortly after the end of Unexpected Demands – Book 2. It has spoilers for the novel, so they’re really best read in order. Goodreads isn’t letting me upload .mobi files at the moment, but it’s available there in .pdf and .epub. All the formats are available … Read more