A week until Sole Support; win a copy

Sole Suppor cover My next novel, Sole Support, comes out from Samhain in a week, on June 4th. I’m both excited and nervous about the release. (What else is new, right?)

This book was one I wrote as both something fun and creative, and a therapy of sorts, working through the emotions of an elderly parent’s downhill slide. It was my chance to pull out a happy ending for those who love her, if not for the parent herself. There are bits and pieces of me in this story, from things about the guys to details of the supporting characters. There’s a lot of my mother in the mom here. It’s dedicated to my mother’s caregivers, who are invaluable and worth more than I could ever describe, or begin to pay.

So a personal book… but it still has to stand on its own merits. Readers have to believe the plot, cheer for the guys, and enjoy the story. I hope you will.

Chris at Stumbling Over Chaos is running a contest for a free copy of Sole Support (or perhaps more than one – I’ll donate another if we hit 100 entries.) The contest starts at 2 AM on May 28th and runs for one week.

I’ll put up an excerpt in a couple of days, to give you a look at Mike and Kellen. Hopefully you’ll enjoy meeting my guys.

3 thoughts on “A week until Sole Support; win a copy”

  1. Kaje, how could you? You made me, I repeat, no, forced me, to go to Samhain’s site to see your book there, where they had it on SALE so I had to buy it. I was there. I was signed in. (Okay, I may have signed in after I saw the book was there and on sale, because then I could justify it). And I will wait patiently until the 4th like everyone else (I will, really. I may jump around a little). πŸ™‚ LOL I would try to imitate your avatar on Goodreads, but I don’t have health insurance right now, and it would be sort of embarrassing trying to explain what happened to the EMTs: “Well, you see…I was excited about this eBook, and–no, don’t pay attention to the floppy ears, please leave them there–but jumping sideways is harder than it looks…gravity works equally, you see, and I–I was doing it because I’m friends with the author of the book on Goodreads, and yes, it is a big deal. Ouch! Don’t do that, it hurts! Where was I? Gravity. It works equally on all parts of your body, so I didn’t fall sideways, I fell all at once and hit my head on the Christmas tree stand–I _know_ it’s May and most people have put their Christmas tree stands away…” See, I have no trouble amusing myself. It’s okay, you can deny you know me, say I’m just another wacky person who has an account on WordPress.

    It’s so exciting to see your book up there, because I remember some earlier threads discussing what you were going to call it. Congratulations! So now I have your book arriving on the 4th and the new book from Andrea Speed’s Infected series (Undertow) coming on the 14th–I’m set. Most supremely awesome. So this _and_ your story for LHNB! You are rocking. I’ll stop now before I say anything even more embarrassing. Aren’t you honored that I’ve been the weirdest on your blog than anyone else’s? LOL πŸ™‚

    • LOL – hi, and thanks for going to look for the book. I’m looking forward to Andrea Speed’s too – that was quite a cliffhanger she left us with on the last one. *makes mental note to reread it before Undertow comes out.* I’m honored that you stopped by. πŸ˜€


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