Work and play

It’s been a busy couple of weeks on the real life front, not always in a good way, but I still got some writing done.

Today I have a short blog piece in the All Romance ebooks Café newsletter. A bunch of M/M authors have written pieces there through the month of June for Pride, so you might check it out.

I’m putting together a collection of my Young Adult free short stories from my Goodreads YA LGBT group (with three new ones added to broaden the LGBTQ range of them.) The total at the moment is about 68,000 words for 13 stories, although the collection isn’t set in stone. My lovely beta readers are checking it out right now, and Sara Winters is kindly doing editing and formatting. It will be a free collection, and I settled on Rainbow Briefs for the title. I’ll let you know when I have a cover and release date.

Learning Curve – Life Lessons #4 got a second edit and new chapter, and hopefully is heading for line editing. No release date yet, but every stage completed is good. I’m looking forward to seeing that cover too. Mac-guy has an… interesting… series of stock-site photos. Back when the first book came out, we didn’t know we’d need at least four different poses from him. With normal expressions and no hair gel…

On the new writing side, now that the Young Adult stories are done and in editing, I’m getting back to my Wolves. (And trying to resist the lure of another freebie prompt. Must resist the freebies. Must resist…)

I’ll keep you posted on how that goes. The end of the month is Pride here in Minneapolis and St. Paul. I’ll probably go (although likely not to the parade, given my un-fondness for big crowds.) Maybe I’ll see some of you there.

3 thoughts on “Work and play”

  1. Yay, I just reread my Hidden Wolves books last week. And Life Lessons, double yay. I did wonder where pictures for book covers came from. I’ve seen the picture of Tony from the cover of Life Lessons on the cover of someone elses book too. And I hear you ’bout the crowds. I’m not a fan of them either.

    • Yeah, most M/M books get their cover pictures from stock photo sites – the cute guys tend to get reused, because there aren’t a huge number to choose from in suitable poses, in the royalty-free sites. Mainstream best-sellers often have exclusive covers, but most M/M doesn’t sell well enough to pay those kind of prices for pictures. Tony has also been spotted in dental ads…


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