A release date for Learning Curve

I’m in a great mood today, because I have a cover and a release date for Learning Curve. Here’s the cover:

Learning Curve cover

And the (almost definitely) release date is September 6th. The book is still in proofing, so there is a very small possibility of delay, but I’m pretty sure it should sail through. I’m looking forward to getting this one out. I hope readers will enjoy watching Mac and Tony work through the situations left in the wake of Home Work, and a new mystery, of course…

42 thoughts on “A release date for Learning Curve”

    • Yeah, I’m really pleased, especially because I was first told it might be October. MLR gives authors a lot of leeway on editing time, which means a short time frame for the release schedule. I’m glad this one will be out soon, particularly because I’ll have paper copies to bring to GayRomLit. Although now I have to figure out how many copies…

      I do hope readers enjoy this installment of the guys.

      • Thank you so much. I love these guys. I’ve just re-read the series so far for the umpteenth time and have been stalking your Amazon page for updates. Well checking occasionally, no creepy overtones intended.

        I’m in New Zealand – a little country in the South Pacific that just celebrated marriage equality – and we’re totally blessed when we can get e-books as soon as they come out. No closets here πŸ™‚

      • One thing though – one of the two guys in the cover shot has changed. This is a bit disconcerting. If they couldn’t get the same model couldn’t the photographer have disguised the Mac stand-in with bandages?

        • Yeah, the “Mac” on the first books has only an array of really bad pictures left, so the cover artist changed models. Perhaps we should have reused an old picture, since bugged-out-eyes were not a good choice. One of those judgment calls.

  1. Donna wasn’t the only one that squealed. So glad this one is coming out so soon (fingers crossed). Can’t wait to read what happens next.

  2. Ooh! I had wondered because I’d seen Learning Curve on the upcoming releases on MLR yesterday. And that’s a weekend where I’m going to have lots of time to read so yay! Perfect timing for me!

  3. OMG, finally, yeah, I can’t believe it. Woohee :-). When I got the mail yesterday about the release day, I let out a very girly squeal that made my husband wonder if I had won the lottery or something similar. Well, not quite the lottery, but still veeeeery good. Is it September already? *checks calendar to count days*

  4. Yes! Yes! Absolutely … yes! I am so ready to read this new addition to the saga of Tony and Mac! I am trying to decide if I have enough time to re-read … again … the books in order before 9.6 … hmmm. Congratulations Kaje on the release date!

  5. I’m feeling like I might have to read all previous ones! Can’t wait for the new instalment,
    Thankyou so much for making my day!

      • Well I’ve reread the entire series twice, plus reread all the books before the next was released, so the first book I’ve read 5 times, the second 4 and the third 3. (Not counting this reread.) I admit I really love this series. I can’t pinpoint just one thing that makes me crave more books, I guess it’s the series as a whole. Whatever it is, I know I’ll be reading (and rereading) these for many years to come. Thanks for sharing your stories with us!!

      • Wow – that’s so cool that they stand up to that kind of reading for you. I’m a rereader too – some of my favorites are on their fifth or sixth go round (Faith & Fidelity; The Locker Room; Sidecar; Scrap Metal; Chase in Shadow…)

    • Yes, the paperback should be out within a couple of weeks of the ebook release date. I’ve been promised I’ll have them to take some down to GayRomLit in Mid-October to sign, and they should be available from MLR Press and the usual sites. I’m glad you like the guys (and hopefully you’ve found the free short stories.)

  6. Totally awesome. I’m so looking forward to its debut. What happened to the previous Mac? He looked like he can take care of business. This old dude looks like a wind will blow him away. He’s so wimpy looking. Anyway, great series. Thanks for giving me something to look forward now that summer is ova.

    • We were in the position of having to either reuse a picture of the old Mac that we’d already used, or use a new guy. If I’d known there were going to be four novels when we started, the artist would have picked a cover model with more good pictures available.

    • Oh, that’s too bad. I wish you guys had reused the old photos to keep it consistent. It’s like watching a TV series where they have the same actor playing the same character for years and then one day they switch the actor and then trying to sell to the audience that this is the same character. Gotta admit this guy on the cover is a downgrade and it would have been such a nice cover too. Maybe on the 5th book you can bring back the first version even if it is reused.

      • Yeah. I admit, it was a judgment call made at midnight; The artist was getting frustrated with “Mac’s” pictures (dozens of them, and not one that had a natural expression) and said “How about someone who looks like him?” And I said, “Sure” just to get the damned cover done. Afterward I thought we should have just reused a picture, but you know, I’m also just glad to get the damned cover done… I like it, as a cover. But I guess they’re not as look-alike as they felt at one AM.

      • Yeah, it’s really too bad. The first thing I thought of when I saw the cover was what happened to Mac? Is he dead, broke up with Tony, he not in the picture anymore that’s why is the writer introducing a new man to hook up with Tony? That totally suck. It’s what the cover conveys to the readers. Mac is gone and Tony has met a new man. That’s the only time a writer would change the cover. Consistency and continuity in writing and the cover are very important. Too bad. I have all of your series in ebook and print, but I guess with this cover I’m just going to get the ebook only where I can just by pass the cover entirely. Since it show Tony is hookup with a new dude. Sorry that’s one of my pet peeves right up there with matte finish covers. Anyway, thanks for the info. You’re an awesome writer. Keep up the good work. You have been so prolific this year and I really appreciate that. 😎

  7. I’ve just discovered the Life Lesson’s series (and you as an author). Read everything in less than a week. (All reviews are on my blog and Goodreads). I LOVED them and am so glad I don’t have to wait long for the next instalment! I totally fancy the pants off of Mac and I need more Mac and Tony in my life. Roll on Sept 6th! Thanks for such a books.

    • I agree with you Jayne! I loved these guys too … I would like to know how the children eventually factored in their family. I would like to know how college worked out for Ryan. I want to know more about these men as a couple … desperately. I wondered also it Ryan’s coming out to his dad was the ground work for John’s son’s sexual orientation … may be a bridge too far I guess. I just want to know more about their story.

  8. Can’t wait for Learning Curve to come out….I miss read the post and thought it was out already, I almost pass out rushing to look for it on MLR Press and amazon, but after I didn’t see it I calmed down enough to reread the message again…..I’m counting the days!!!


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