Learning Curve released

It’s finally out. πŸ™‚

New Learning Curve cover

You can now get Learning Curve – the 4th Life Lessons book, on the MLR Press website. It’s really great to see the book available, although also a little bittersweet since I don’t expect to write more novels for this series, at least for quite a while. I’ll miss Mac and Tony, but I hope you like the place they end up in, and all the adventures along the way.

I’ll put up links to other vendors when available. The book has been uploaded to Amazon, but it can take hours to days for it to go live.

Thanks to everyone who has read this whole series, for sticking with my guys through 4 novels and three shorts, with all the ups and downs. I hope you enjoyed the ride. Now there are a bunch of other men I want to write books about…

23 thoughts on “Learning Curve released”

  1. Hi Kaje

    Is there any update on when the book might make it to amazon.co.uk? I’ve been checking all day, as buying it on MLR is too complicated.

    Thanks, regards


    • It usually takes between 8 hours and 2 days from when MLR uploads the file for it to show up on Amazon US. I don’t know if it appears on the UK website at the same time or not. It’s not yet on the US AZ. Sorry I can’t be more specific. (The ways of Amazon are a mystery.)

  2. Hi Kaje, thanks for the update.

    Apologies, I’m so impatient for LL4 that I forgot to say ‘please’ earlier. I have been watching for this for the last few days, hoping that it might show as a pre-order. I totally agree with you, Amazon works in mysterious ways. I’m both excited to read LL4, and a bit sad that there won’t be another in the series for a long time, but I’m sure I’ll love the new tales just as much.

    Thanks, and best of luck with this book.

    Kind regards, Rita

  3. You’ve made my weekend! I absolutely love your writing and adore Tony, Mac, and Oliver too;) Mac’s probably my favourite. Big, wonderful guy, so strong yet vulnerable. He and Tony have such chemistry together. Can’t wait to read it. Thank you!

      • I’d buy Oliver’s story if you do write it and I haven’t read M/F in about 3 years now. I was half expecting a romance for him in the latest book with the conversation he and Mac had in Compensations.

        Anyway Learning Curve was quite an emotional ride and I can see why you don’t think there are going to be any novel length stories about them for a while. Hopefully there will be a short story or two, but if not that’s a great place to end Mac and Tony’s story. Thanks so much for writing the series – it hasn’t always been easy to read, especially parts of this last story, but it’s always left me wanting more.

      • I have to admit, Oliver and Ramsey have been lurking… there’s only about 12 years between them – enough for him to care and her not to…

        I’m so pleased that you liked where this ended up. πŸ™‚

      • Well, in that case I’m looking forward to Oliver and Ramsey’s story when (if?) you’re ready to write it! πŸ™‚ Oliver’s not going to know what hit him!

  4. I’m saddened to find out that this is the end of Mac’s and Tony’s story. I will miss the good relation and family they had in the story. I was hoping to follow more of his investigations with Ramsey as his new partner. It would be great to follow Mac’s new relationship with his sister Barbara and see him find Jack.

    These stories are so wonderful. I hope you decide to bring more to us. I’ve read the Life Lessons Series twice including the new one already. Please bring further stories following this great family in the future. And thanks for creating such good stories.

    • I’m glad you liked them. There is plenty of scope for more mysteries, but the relationship growth between Mac and Tony has reached a pretty stable point. I feel like rocking it right now would seem like gratuitous angst, and I have tried in all of these to balance the mystery and the relationship in importance. Maybe down the road there will be a natural domestic issue come up, but for now I’m working on other books and series. Although I’ll miss writing these guys too. Maybe a short story sometime…

      • I am reading your other published works now. Your characters are so realistic I’m sure I will miss all the new ones I meet in your books as I get to the end of those stories. I’m very impressed and will continue to read. A LL Short Story would be a great occasional treat.

  5. Thank you so much for this series, these guys are great! I love seeing this family develop and of course the mystery aspect is a great bonus. I really hope this isn’t it for them though, I’m greedy! I need more!! But seriously though, amazing series!

  6. I have just devoured book 4 in your wonderful series of Tony and Mac’s wonderful, and sometimes trying, life together. Sad to see that there’s not going to be anything new on the horizon for these two wonderful characters, but, yes, I do agree the ending left them in a good place. Thanks so much for letting us all share them with you!!


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