Learning Curve on Amazon and ARe

Learning Curve cover - final

Just a quick update to say that Learning Curve- Life Lessons Book 4 is now available on Amazon; You can find it here on Amazon – US. Release on other vendor sites, including All Romance ebooks, should be later in the month.

I want to say thanks to everyone who bought the book directly from MLR Press already, or plans to buy there – it feels like a compliment that you moved fast to get it, and it gives both myself and the publisher almost twice as much in royalties. But I know there are downsides to going directly to each publisher – for those who like the convenience of Amazon, with their one-click and back-ups/cloud, it’s now available πŸ™‚

Sept. 8 ETA: Now also available on All Romance ebooks.

Sept. 10 – And Learning Curve is now available on Barnes & Noble too.

32 thoughts on “Learning Curve on Amazon and ARe”

  1. Just got the ebook of Life Lessons 4. Off to dive in now, looking forward to seeing how these two wonderful men make their changing life work for them. Have loved this whole series. Thanks for all your efforts Kaje.

  2. No, thank you Kaje, I love this series and am so glad to have a new (even if it is the last) book to get my hands on. Sleep deprived from reading til the early hours but loving it so far.

  3. I’ve just finished Learning Curve and I absolutely loved it. I’m so sad to have said goodbye to Mac and Tony but you gave them and their fans a fitting ending. Thank you so much for this series, it’s one of my all time favourites.

  4. Dear Kaje, LL4 was a wonderful tale, with the new, improved Mac, and his and Tony’s partnership feeling entirely equal now. I loved: how you made Mac’s injury change him for the better/the ending/where you left the leads, but I can’t help hpoing for a novella from time to time. Thanks for writing the series; it’s one of my all-time fave MM ones. Regards, Rita

  5. Caitriona and Rita said it all – thank you, I loved it. I hope there may be more Mac (oh and Tony) in the future, but thank you for the wonderful books. Number 4 was everything I hoped it would be. A saturday really well spent. πŸ˜€

  6. Brought my copy straight from MLR Press, couldn’t wait for amazon….I don’t know it’s different from how imagined it would be and while I really like these characters you’ve created I don’t how I would feel about the book not having read and really like the previous 3…I think I have to reread it.

  7. Sorry I meant to write I have read and really enjoyed the 3 previous books but if I hadn’t and was reading this book as a standalone I don’t……

    • Well, I don’t think it would stand alone well either. Too much back story that I assumed people would know from the other three. I hope if you do reread, that it works better for you.

  8. Hi Kaje, wondering if the print version is coming out soon? Have them all and want to complete series, even if I have to wait a while for it to get to Australia

  9. Hi there,
    got my copy from Amazon Deutschland and thank god it’s Sunday! I love the series especially Ben. I hope to get glimpses of all of them in the future!
    All the best

  10. YAY! So glad to read more with Tony and Mac! It’s amazing how different a “cleaned up” Mac ends up looking from the other covers, it was funny to see the various poses to choose from…that’s why I can be a fan of the faceless covers for stories, you end up using your own idea of what the character looks like.
    In your case I do like the photo you choose! I almost don’t want to finish the story because I will miss thes guys…

    • Yeah, it’s a tossup – I do like having my own image of the MCs, but I also am really tired of headless torsos, and naked chests didn’t seem like the right image for these. And yet I wanted something that says M/M. I’m pretty happy with where we ended up (although Mac could have stood to look slightly older… But not weird, dammit πŸ˜‰

      I hope you like where the guys end up. I admit spin-offs lurk in my mind (Walter/Lulu, Quinn, Dom/Will from Home Work, Oliver…) So we might get more glimpses of Mac and Tony that way.

  11. I pretty much like anything you write Kaje, so whatever character you write about next I know I’ll love it., be it Life Lessons or any other book. Lulu does have so much potential and I bet she’d be fun to work with!

  12. Absolutely loved the story. It was so insightful seeing where Mac came from and the continuing evolution of his and Tony’s relationship. The kids? Were wonderful! I do hope you’ll do spin offs – the ones you suggested in your previous comment are stories I’d really, really, REALLY like to read. πŸ™‚

    There are few writers I want to read about the same lead characters from in multiple books. You, Jayne Ann Krentz and Josh Lanyon are the only ones on my autobuy list. You’re at the top because you don’t leave stories hanging, managing to wrap each book up in such a satisfying way and yet making me hungry for the next one.

    I think what I like best about your books tho is the way you layer characterization and plot so seemlessly. I never feel like any of your characters are two-dimensional or that niggling itch from a dangling plot thread or one knotted in for convenience.

    Thanks for sharing the stories in your head with the rest of us!

    Hugs and take care,

    • Wow, that’s such a kind evaluation. Thank you! I’ve had fun with these guys and hopefully am leaving them in a good place, but yes, the spin-offs are a possibility, and we might catch sight of Mac and Tony and the kids in those, down the road.

  13. I’m reading it now and I do not want it to end!…I can keep reading about tony and Mac and the kids until Ben and Anna are in college!!!!!

  14. Really, really enjoyed this next installment in the Life Lessons series. I won’t say last book because, like many of us, I live in hope and would like to meet Mac’s gay brother one day!! Hint, hint, Kaje. Was impressed that you didn’t just ‘fix’ Mac, he had to work hard for his rehabilitation, just like people must in regular life. Felt for Tony and his anxiety over Mac’s career, thought this was handled very well. As always, love all the supporting characters, particularly the kids. Thanks again, Kaje, love your work πŸ™‚

  15. Just bought it directly from MLR… why do I always spend weeks looking out for a release of a new Life Lessons and then forget about it and i’m a month late. I will spend ALL of today catching up with Mac and Tony, so excited πŸ˜€


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