Interview, giveaway, plus…

As a lead up to the GayRomLit retreat, The Novel Approach and Joyfully Jay have teamed up to introduce some of the authors who will be attending in Atlanta. I’m one of them, and today is my turn in the spotlight. You can find an interview, and a chance to win a backlist book, including Learning Curve, on The Novel Approach website. Come on by and say hello, and maybe win a book. And find out why that picture is on this page.

2 thoughts on “Interview, giveaway, plus…”

  1. I hope you see this comment. I decided to email? you as I have just finished reading “The Rebuilding Year” for probably the tenth time. Just a wonderful read. I wanted to email you to ask you consider a sequel– and I see you have one planned– to my great delight. Thank you for your writing and I look forward to reading John and Ryan’s next chapter


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