“Nor Iron Bars a Cage” a Rainbow Awards finalist

nor_iron_bars_final My free fantasy novel, Nor Iron Bars a Cage, made the list of 2013 Rainbow Awards Finalists! It’s so cool to see my book up there with other great stories I’ve enjoyed this year. (And a few I haven’t read, and must now go track down. More good books πŸ™‚ )

Winners will be announced Dec. 8th. There are a number of categories, including Young Adult, so check out the finalists. The complete lists are posted at the link above.

I have now put Nor Iron Bars a Cage up on Smashwords and All Romance ebooks for downloading in various formats, if you are interested and haven’t got it from the M/M group yet. It should show up at Barnes & Noble and other sites in a couple of weeks (and I’m planning an Amazon release with proceeds to charity as soon as I get it formatted.) Thanks again to my beta readers, and everyone in the M/M Romance group working with the Love Has No Boundaries stories, who helped me get this freebie book completed and released, and to Ren Brennan for the great cover πŸ˜€

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