Preparing for an introverts’ convention…

This Tuesday I’ll be flying out to GayRomLit – an annual retreat that brings together both readers and writers in the field of M/M romance. This is the third year for GRL, and the event will be in Atlanta, GA. Of the 400 or so attendees, 100 will be authors, and one of those will be, um, me.

I went to GRL last year in Albuquerque as a reader, which meant I got to have fun, go to all the events, and wasn’t required to say anything. I had a great time, and promised myself I’d go back this year with that author badge on. This is a good event for an introvert, because among so many readers and writers, we’re pretty well represented. I wasn’t the only one standing in darker corners. It’s nice to have like-minded company and I’m looking forward to it.

I’m also obsessing over getting ready, but what else is new?

There are things a reader doesn’t need at GRL that an author does. Like swag. Official authors bring swag. This refers to the stuff that attendees pick up at the conference with author promo on it – pens, bookmarks, chocolate, postcards, keychains, and so on. This spring, after taking the plunge and signing up, I had a great time for several months looking at all the things you can put your name on, most of which were way out of my price range. But then I had to choose. I eventually found some swag items I hope will be fun. Although I still have to finish the ducks… (I’ll try to post a picture after GRL.)

And books. There will be a book signing and I’m going to bring along some of my paper books to sell. I was trying to figure out how many, and was told that other authors last year sold between 2 and 50. Sooooo helpful. It may come down to the 50-pound airline weight limit on my suitcase and how many books fit in there. But if you’re going to be at GRL, and want my books, I will have some.

I have a Question & Answer session scheduled for 10:10 AM on Saturday the 19th. I’ll be sharing the podium with L.C. Chase, and Abigail Roux, so at least I’m not worried we’ll run out of things to talk about. How many Ty & Zane fans can you fit in Ballroom A? It should be good, and maybe by Saturday I’ll be over being nervous. Each author gets a 15 minute block of time, so if you have questions about my guys or my writing, there will be a chance to ask them.

The one sad thing for me is that my best friend Sammy, who was supposed to room with me and drag me along to the parties, won’t be there. Health issues forced her to cancel. I’ve promised to pretend she’s standing behind me and try to be outgoing on my own. Feel better, Sammy. I’ll send you any chocolate body parts swag available in the swag room. Next year, we’ll do it together.

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In unrelated news, Nor Iron Bars a Cage is doing well on Amazon, despite my having to charge .99 for it. It’s in the top ten list for “Romance > Fantasy” along with some het books, which is cool. It may even earn a good donation for the Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project, before Amazon makes it free.

I also have a draft cover for the Young Adult short story collection, Rainbow Briefs, which I will release soon as a Kira Harp freebie. My editor, Sara Winters, and I hope to get this out around the end of October. I can’t wait to unveil the cover, which is another lovely one from Enny Kraft. I just need to write the freaking blurb first…

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So, a couple more days to pack, and unpack, and repack. And then I’ll see some of you in Atlanta!

4 thoughts on “Preparing for an introverts’ convention…”

  1. Alas, I won’t be there to lurk in corners with you this year – this is the first one I’ve missed! πŸ™ Hope you have a completely fabulous time!

  2. I am so excited for you. Okay, a bit jealous, but I know you’ll have a great time getting to meet all the other writers and fans you only get to speak to online.

    And would I be wrong to tell people not to make the book free on Amazon because the money’s going to a good place? πŸ™‚ Rainbow Briefs is a great project and I’m glad you let me be a part of it.


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