Win a copy of Hidden Wolves Books 1 and 2

Unacceptable Risk cover image The Novel Approach review site and blog is running a feature they call “Backlist Book Bump.” They’ve invited authors to talk about a favorite book from their backlist, and offer a chance at a free copy.

When Lisa invited me to participate, I wasn’t sure which book to choose. But I’ve recently finished the third Hidden Wolves book, in first draft anyway, and that pulled me back into the world of the Pack and its place in the modern human world. So I had to choose Unacceptable Risk.

Visit The Novel Approach to find out why that book called out to be written, and comment before midnight Pacific time on Tuesday the 26th for a chance to win ebook copies of both Unacceptable Risk and Unexpected Demands.

Then cruise around and read about other great backlist books from favorite and new authors. It’s a really interesting feature. Thanks, Lisa, for letting me share in it!

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