Love for “Nor Iron Bars” and updates

I wanted to share my pleasure at having my free novel, Nor Iron Bars a Cage, tie for second place in the Best Gay Fantasy category of the 2013 Rainbow Awards. The book also tied for tenth for Best Gay Novel. This is so cool, especially when you check out the competition. You can follow the link to the Awards to find all the winners. Congratulations to everyone!

I also thought I’d update you on where my writing is at the moment. I’m currently trying to finish a holiday short story, (yes, really – under 20,000 words. Probably.) It’s a stand-alone, tentatively titled The Family We’re Born With. I’d like this to be a free release before Christmas, if I can get there. Wish me luck.

I finished another “short” story at 62K, for a project someone else is doing. It was a lot of fun. It’s out of my hands now, but I’ll let you know when that releases, also free.

I’m working on The Rebuilding Year, book 2, and I’m about a third of the way through it. The rough drafts of Hidden Wolves, books 3 and 4 are both done, but waiting for some revisions. They need to sit and age, or ferment, or whatever they do in the back of my mind, before being submitted.

So I’ve been fairly busy, even if the evidence is thin on the shelves right now. Hopefully I’ll get one more release this year with the short. Oh, and thanks to everyone who has put my name into the Jessewave “Favourite M/M Author of 2013” nominations, and for all the nominations on the M/M group’s Member Choice Awards. Whether I win anything or not. all those nominations make me feel all warm and happy in this cold season. Thank you!

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