“The Family We’re Born With” released

My free holiday short story, The Family We’re Born With, is now available from Smashwords. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get it up on ARe, and for the usual initial .99 price to charity at Amazon.

ETA: Now up both places πŸ™‚ Links ARe, Amazon.

Enny Kraft helped me get the cover pretty:

I hope you enjoy meeting Devin and Jesse, Jesse’s half-brother, Sam, his mom, and the rest of the family he was born with. I hadn’t planned to do a holiday story this year, but these guys insisted.

Any formatting errors are my own. I’m expecting real life to get hectic for a bit, and wanted to release this now. So despite my Nook suddenly not taking any downloads, I’m going to just hope the Smashwords epub is as good as the pdf. If anyone finds a significant problem, please let me know. One of the good things about freebies is the ability to edit them, if need be.

A big thank you to everyone who lent a hand (Jess, Kiracee and Enny) or cooked dinner (thanks, honey) to let me get this out today. Happy Holidays to you all.

13 thoughts on ““The Family We’re Born With” released”

  1. Apparently, going to the website on a smartphone doesn’t show existing comments, so I’m just going to post since I shut down my computer. πŸ˜‰

    I downloaded the epub to my Nook Color and it worked beautifully. I didn’t see any glaring problems with format or grammar/spelling either. Really neat story. I’m glad it’s the start of the series. I would like to see Rick’s story.

    • Thanks – I liked the picture so much, I had it on here back before I ever wrote their story, but Enny gave it the touches that made it pretty πŸ™‚ (You should definitely not have seen it with my original font – blech. She was great.)

  2. Here’s to all our families, the one we make and the one we are given. What a lovely story! Always on the lookout for your new releases so nice I saw this one.

  3. thank you for another lovely story, and just in time for Christmas. Love a holiday story at Christmas time. As always, hoping for sequels, I loved Jesse and Devlin, and hope to meet more of Clint/Rick? I am a sucker for sequels! Thanks again, for all your wonderful stories and many happy hours of reading with a smile on my face. Happy Holidays to you and yours.


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