“Changes Coming Down” – you had questions?

Since I released my short free novel, Changes Coming Down in Hunting Under Covers a couple of weeks ago, I’ve had people PM and email me with questions. Since several were repeats, I thought I’d put the answers in a blog (because I’m lazy that way.)

What is your actual story in the anthology about? The anthology blurb doesn’t say.

When I put it on my book list on my website, I had to come up with a blurb, so here it is:

Two years ago Scott and Casey were a couple, and it was good, but it wasn’t perfect. Scott was away a lot, playing hockey and aiming for the NHL, while sheriff Casey got lost in his job and his own head when he was alone. They needed something, or someone. And they found Will, a local ranch foreman. Will was strong, calm and the perfect fit. None of them have been ready to come out, but for two years they have all kept each other happy.

Now suddenly Will’s surrogate parents have died, his ranch is in jeopardy, and Casey’s reelection is being challenged. The days to come will shake the foundations of their relationship and may even break them apart. Unless they are strong enough together to handle the changes coming down.

– 64,000 words

Is your story some kind of spoof or humor piece? Is it related to the other stories?

No, mine is a serious M/M/M romance, with a mystery, and more angsty than funny (although I hope readers find moments of humor in it.) Other than a bit of a tease with how long it took my guys to actually eat the required bacon-and-eggs for the Hunt points, this story really has nothing to do with the Scavenger Hunt per se. Like with my M/M Group freebies, Into Deep Waters or Nor Iron Bars a Cage, I was inspired by the set-up that was given to me. But the story that came out of it stands alone as a short novel.

Why did you write M/M/M? – I prefer M/M.

I’ve wanted to do a menage story for a while. I think that any form of loving relationship adults enter into voluntarily can be a wonderful thing. But the more people you add to a relationship, the more complicated it gets. And so figuring out how to fit three strong guys into a balanced and loving three-way relationship was something I looked forward to.

I’m trying not to just keep rewriting the same story, (although I do love my sequels.) So I’m going to wander through the genres and tropes a bit. I know this won’t be for everyone, and if you skip or down-rate Unacceptable Risk for being werewolves, or Full Circle for lack of a happy ending, or Changes Coming Down for the three guys, I will completely understand. There is no way every book I write will appeal to every reader.

Why did you start with Will, Casey and Scott as an established couple? I really wanted to see them get together.

Weeeellll. You see, I thought I was writing a short story. So I thought that an established trio would let me write a little mystery plot and be done fast. 64,000 words later, I found out I was wrong.

Will you ever write that prequel? Will you show us what happens with Scott after the end of this book?

I have a hard time letting go of characters, after I spend that time in their heads, so… maybe. I might do either the how-they-met prequel, or the sequel, for these three men.

Will you release this story as a stand-alone?

Maybe. Someday. But the anthology is free, so I don’t feel like there’s a real reason to do that soon, since there’s no cost to picking up the whole thing. Not to mention that there are some other very good stories in that anthology which I enjoyed, and hopefully you will too. The only reason to re-release would be if I someday write a related book – the prequel or sequel – and want matching covers.


The anthology is titled Hunting Under Covers and is a free release from ARe books, Smashwords and Divergent Publishing where J. Vaughn did the production on the book.

8 thoughts on ““Changes Coming Down” – you had questions?”

  1. It was an excellent story and I was amused at times. I would love to see more about the three men. The anthology was enlightening with the various pieces to touch on. I thought, overall, it was a great tribute.

  2. I’ve just read it and I loved it as well. I’m glad you didn’t make Todd the one who hired the murderer, I can see where that would have been tempting.

    • I wasn’t sure who it would turn out to be, but yeah, I wanted it to be at least somewhat plausible and not have everything work out too neatly at the end. I like writing mysteries because I don’t know how they’ll come out either, until it starts taking shape 🙂

      • Totally agree,life doesn’t always work out neatly either (though I do like most characters to get their HEA). Used to read a lot of mysteries/crime and have been disappointed with some of the m/m mysteries I’ve read but this one was really good.


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