Interviews, excerpts and a chance to win

One of the fun things happening is that I get to be an author of the month in two places. The first is on the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads, where there’s a thread open to discuss my books. The second is on “My Fiction Nook”.

My Fiction Nook is a review and book commentary blog, and they were kind enough to feature me for March (in sparkly purple letters, no less.) That link will get you to the first of four posts. Each week there will be some interview or trivia from me, an excerpt from one of my books, and a drawing to win a free backlist ebook of your choice. This first post starts with a couple of my freebies, including an excerpt from Changes Coming Down, my short menage novel. I hope you enjoy the chance to see a bit more of what I do, love and write. And good luck winning an ebook.

On an unrelated but fun note, I picked out a prompt to write for the M/M Group’s “Love’s Landscapes – Don’t Read in the Closet” event this year. It’s an atmospheric and not-quite-safe-for-work-picture which you can see if you are a group member there – (—claimed-by-kaje-harper) and a rather open ended prompt. I’m having all kinds of fun thinking about the possibilities right now. There are a ton of great prompts and authors signing up for this. The free stories will begin releasing from June through August. I’ve already bookmarked a bunch I want to read when they release.

So go meet Will, Scott and Casey , and sign up for the book drawing. And wish me luck with this next one.

2 thoughts on “Interviews, excerpts and a chance to win”

  1. I just wanted to stop by and say that I absolutely loved Will, Scott, and Casey. Poly, LE, Hockey, Murder Mystery, and a Cowboy complete with ranch? It’s like you climbed up inside my head and picked out a list of my top favorites to write a story with. (Also, mad props for the mentions of – and respect for – my beloved Bruins. ;->)

    And a second also, the noise I made when I saw you were writing a sequel to The Rebuilding Year could only be heard by bats. The Rebuilding Year is, hands down, one of my favorite books of ever. And I’ve often thought of asking if there was a chance you were planning to ever return to them, but I just never did. I am absolutely on freaking tenterhooks over the news and can’t wait to put a release date on my calendar.

    • I’m glad you enjoyed my three guys – I needed to get in the Scavenger Hunt points for Law Enforcement, Cowboys and Sports – how could I resist ๐Ÿ™‚

      As for The Rebuilding Year, yeah – I left Ryan taking his first baby steps, and I decided I needed to see what came next. No release date yet, but I’ll let you know on this blog when there is. Thanks for your interest in my writing.


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