Featuring Wolves and another book drawing

Unacceptable Risk cover image For my third week as Author of the Month at My Fiction Nook, they are featuring my Hidden Wolves stories. There is an excerpt from the first book in the series, Unacceptable Risk, and a drawing for a free ebook.

Unexpected Demands cover My werewolves started long before I ever published anything, and before I ever went online to find M/M books. I’d only read what was on library shelves and in bookstores, and we all know how limited that is.

In my own little writing world, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if there were not just gay vampires (which I’d read) but gay werewolves…” Yeah, I really was that much off in my personal writerly cloud. By the time MLR asked about another book they could publish, I’d found out just how many gay wolves are running around the M/M genre shelves. But I was having too much fun with my guys not to let them out to play.

The third werewolf novel is finished in rough draft, but not yet submitted. I do hope to have it out later this year. No title yet, but I’m considering a whole raft of words starting with “un”…

In the meantime, check out the post at My Fiction Nook. And maybe you can win a copy of your choice of my backlist books, to entertain you until that next one is released.

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