Progress and a title

I thought I’d post quickly, since it’s been a couple of weeks, to let you know what I’m up to.

My free story for the M/M Group’s Don’t Read in the Closet event coming this summer is now drafted, at about 65,000 words. (Yeah, I said I was staying short. I clearly lied. However it is 40K shorter than last year πŸ™‚ ) The title will be Laser Visions and it’s a near-future paranormal story. Submission deadline is May 1st, so I’ll be editing hard the next couple of weeks.

Remember, all the Don’t Read in the Closet stories from all of the years are free on ARe and from the group. Individual authors might sell their own story somewhere, but if you see the anthologies for sale for money, let me know. (Someone recently tried to do this on Amazon. The books have been taken back down now.)

I’m polishing up the third Hidden Wolves book, to get ready to submit it soon. I don’t have a title for that yet, but I’m running through my list of “un-” words. It’s about two new guys – Brandt, a werewolf, and Harlan, the human he meets – but there’s some Aaron, Zach, and the rest of the pack in there too. It’s about 125,000 words, but I’m hoping to tighten it up a little in the polishing.

The Family We Make, about Sam and his brother Rick, has had one great beta read, and after May 1, that will be next on the plate for edits. Since it will be self published, hopefully the wait will be shorter. Real life has been kicking my butt this spring, and once again I’m slower than I’d hoped.

In the meantime, thanks to everyone who has been picking up the freebie Hunting Under Covers and giving reviews for my novella Changes Coming Down and the other fun stories in it. I was worried about stretching to try M/M/M, but the reaction has been pretty positive. Nice encouragement to maybe do a sequel or prequel someday.

If you are celebrating a holiday this week, I wish you a lovely time with family and friends. And now back to those darned wolves…

11 thoughts on “Progress and a title”

    • Some of them are there – “Into Deep Waters”, “Nor Iron Bars a Cage”, “Hunting Under Covers”, “The Family We’re Born With”, are on Amazon.

      The problem with Amazon is that you have to charge for stories when you publish there – they will never put up a story simply for free. A lot of the time they will price match to free later on, but that can take days to months. (My YA collection “Rainbow Briefs” is still .99 after 5 months.) That does two things.

      First, I hate charging people for freebies. I’ve done it for those four. I do try, by giving my AZ royalties to LGBT charity, to make up for it. But still…

      Second, the series freebies are not supposed to be sold by any publisher other than the one who has the rights to the characters. So the free werewolf and Life Lessons books can’t be posted for money through Amazon. So those won’t go up unless someday I get my series rights back.

      They are available in .mobi on Smashwords for free. Some are on ARe, at least in pdf.

      I might put up a couple more of the stand-alones on Amazon at some point.

  1. I’m still only halfway throught Life Lessons series, but after that I’ve got your Wolves lined up. I was very glad to hear there’s going to be a third book!

  2. Love your writing. Your Life Lessons series has been my favorite so far . Love Tony and Mac and was sorry to say good bye. Have reread them numerous times. Sounds like you have been super busy writing. I was wondering if you had any idea when the sequel to the Rebuilding Year will be out? I’m impatiently waiting LOL

    • They’re two of my favorite characters too. But it was time – I didn’t want to drag things out. I had a plot problem with Rebuilding Year 2, and set it aside for a bit, but I figured it out, and I’m back to writing. No release date though. Samhain tends to run at least six months out from submission though, and I haven’t submitted it yet. Sorry – hopefully other books will entertain you till then.

  3. No need to apologize. Looking forward to Laser VIsion and The Family We Make. Also give me time to read the Wolves series you wrote before the next one is out. Happy writing. πŸ™‚


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