Why write M/M?

I’m guest-blogging today on Vampires, Crime and Angels. This is the blog of author Elaine White, a recent convert to the M/M side of romance. Her readership has been mainly M/F and she invited me over to talk about M/M romance – why I love it, why I write it, and where to find my freebies for a risk-free taste. (Just try this first hit, free…)

Go on by if you want to know why I started writing about two men together back in 1974, and never stopped.

4 thoughts on “Why write M/M?”

  1. Really loved the post. I remember being a bit shocked the first time I stumbled across an m/m story, but finished it anyway and just feeling like a lightbulb clicked on. OF COURSE there are m/m stories out there, everyone should get to have a love story.
    I’m finding Goodreads very helpful in feeding my addiction πŸ˜€
    May I ask, did you do a lot of research on aphasia? It’s handled beautifully in the LL books.

    • I’m glad you felt the situation was pausible. I did a fair bit of research, because I do aim for a fairly realistic writing style. I really love the internet, and also ebooks you can order at a moment’s need. The old-style authors, who had to look up everything in physical libraries, deserve a big round of applause.

      And yes, that was my reaction from early on – of course there should be love for whomever is brave enough to reach for it, no matter who they love. I’m glad you found M/M. Goodreads is my primary source for book recommendations these days.


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