Sole Support is out in paperback

Sole Suppor cover

Samhain Publishing has just released the paperback version of my book Sole Support, about a year after the ebook released, as is their standard practice. It should be available on all the usual vendors, including Directly from Samhain. If you’re one of the readers for whom this book struck a chord and you want it in paper, it’s now available. I’m also giving away two copies to commenters on either my Goodreads or WordPress blog. I’ll choose two names at random from the comments below, at midnight CST on June 5th.

Sole Support is a slowly-building story of love and family; of dealing with a parent’s slow slide into dementia, and not always dealing with it well. It shows one man’s realization that accepting help may be the hardest, best thing you ever do. If you can get there, past pride and fear and your own stubborn self-reliance.

Kellen’s mother is slipping, her mental lapses showing right at the time Kellen meets Mike. Kellen finds that sometimes there’s not enough of him to go around, not enough energy or kindness or time. Dealing with his mother and giving Mike more than a casual place in his life seems impossible. But simplifying things by avoiding a relationship turns out not to make his life easier.

Mike has finally met a man he’s willing to come out of his shell for. But Kellen is distracted, casual, and distant. Is there really more between them than a physical relationship? And is Kellen a guy worth fighting for, or an insensitive loser that he’s better off without? Mike could just walk away, but something about Kellen keeps him wanting to stay.

Comments below through midnight June 5th will be entered in a drawing for two free paperback copies of Sole Support. No restrictions on location for this contest.

10 thoughts on “Sole Support is out in paperback”

  1. I loved Kellen & Mike’s sweet slow-burn love story so much. And caring for a loved one’s parent who is dealing with dementia is hitting particularly close to home right now as my mother-in-law has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

  2. So I stuck the names from here and my Goodreads blog in the hat, and the winners are:


    I’ll be in touch about getting the book to you.

    Thanks to everyone who came by and commented.

  3. This sounds like the perfect combination between the classic love story that happens in fictional worlds and the reality of this world. As a m/m author I know how hard it can be to keep things realistic, but fiction enough to want to escape into it.


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