Okay, Kaje, where are the stories?

Hi everyone. *sheepish smile* So some of you have noticed I haven’t released a new book for six months. Well…

I have been writing, but between betas and editors and all the details of completing stories, things got a bit clogged in the pipeline. So what is coming up?

The Family We Make (Finding Family #2) is in editing. I dumped the whole 145,000 word story on some poor beta readers, but they are getting it back to me now. This one will be a self pub for money, my first attempt at that. I’ll put it out on Smashwords, ARe and Amazon, as soon as everything is done. It still needs another edit, proofreading and formatting, so I’m shooting for the middle of August for this one.

Here’s the blurb, though:

At seventeen, Rick Albright left his home, his parents and even his old name, rather than pretend to be straight. But being on his own was hard. When his big brother Sam found him, and insisted on giving him a place to stay, he didn’t resist too long. Living with Sam is better than fighting just to survive, but it’s not easy to find his balance in a simple, small-town life, after his time on the streets.

Travis Brinkerhoff finally managed to come out in college, his second year anyway. It was the one bright side to losing his baseball scholarship and jock status. But without money for tuition, second year came to an abrupt end. He’s back in his small Minnesota hometown, and back in the closet. Travis feels like he’s trying to fit back into a life he’s outgrown. If he’s going to survive, he has to figure out a way to be his own man, maybe even have his own man, without losing the family he loves.

When he left the Marines, Sam Albright wanted nothing more than to find his missing younger brother. Mission accomplished. Now he’s got an independent, possibly traumatized, openly gay young man on his hands, a fiancΓ©e in a war zone overseas, and parents he has to lie to in order to keep the peace. Keeping it all together won’t be easy, but Sam has never backed away from a challenge.

This has three POVs – Sam, who was in The Family We’re Born With, his brother Rick (who used to be Clint) and Travis. I’m trying out more POVs for this series, 3 or 4 in a book like I did in the first novella. It’s an interesting experiment and always fun to do something a bit new. There will be at least one more book in this series, probably a 4-guys-POVs with Rick, Travis and two new main characters.


Laser Visions is done, edited and proofread, and in the queue to release from the Goodreads M/M Group sometime in the next two months. The release schedule is a secret, but I’ll post here as soon as it does come out. It ended up at 79,000 words, and will be downloadable for free.

Unjustified Claims – Hidden Wolves book 3 is in editing with MLR press. This introduces a new couple, but also takes Aaron and Zach a little further in their relationship. I’m hoping for a September release for this one.

Unfair in Love and War is a 24,000 word historical novella, that will be released as part of a charity anthology. I wrote a WWII home front romance, with just a touch of angst. There are some other great authors in this project, so I’m really looking forward to giving you all more details in a month or so.

I have a novella that has the working title Raining, Cats, and Dogs completed for an MLR press project. It will get a project title later. Once MLR is set with the publicity for this one, I’ll let you know as well.

In ten days, I have a blog post with a little 2400 word short story coming out, for the July Fever 2014 event on the Gemini Girls blog. I was told I could do anything I liked for the blog, as long as it had a July theme and you know me – a story immediately sprang to mind. This blog does M/M and M/F romance books, and will feature an author a day through the month, including several of us from M/M. There will be chances to win books too. Who knows, maybe we’ll entice a couple of readers away from the straight and narrow.

The Rebuilding Year Book 2 is my current Work In Progress, at 65,000 words so far. I signed up for Camp NaNo, a cooperative writers’ effort for the month of July, where we encourage each other to get words down on the page. My goal is 50,000 words, which should finish this book.

And of course, I’ve written at least one, sometimes two, really short stories for the picture prompts on my YA LGBT group each month.

So pretty soon, I hope to be able to hook you up with some new words. Thanks for sticking around and waiting.

12 thoughts on “Okay, Kaje, where are the stories?”

  1. Kaje Thank you for the up date. I love the Hidden Wolves books and the Rebuilding Years
    is another favorite. So looking forward to another.

  2. So so so looking forward to the second Rebuilding Year!
    Could we maybe perhaps have a teaser on the third Wolves book? Only if you want. I’d love to know the names of the new couple.
    I’m very much looking forward to the novella. Romance set around WW2 is kind of my thing. As always, thank you for all that you do.

    • I hope to be able to give you a bit more on Unjustified Claims soon. One of the MC’s names might get a little tweak, so I don’t want to post and then change it.

      The novella was fun. I like doing the WWII period – the research is a blast (and way too easy to get lost in), although I worry about getting the details right. Still, I might do a novel someday…

  3. Wow, you certainly have a lot of balls in the air. Pun intended (tongue firmly in cheek). Looking forward to all your offerings as they are released. I always enjoy your writing style, characters and story lines so I know there is good reading ahead.

    • Nice πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to set a few things loose too. The free novel for the M/M group is at least done, whenever release day comes. I’m seeing more people in that who had extensions, so I’m getting optimistic it might be this month.

  4. I don’t know where you find the time to write as much as you do – seriously the amount you’ve been able to write is phenomenal and there had to be a catch up at some point.

    Looking forward to the WWII story – it’s one of my favourite eras as well – and also the sequels to The Family We’re born with and The Rebuilding Year. I do love the way you keep going back to your “older” characters as it were.

    • I’m really excited about the historical anthology – it will be titled “Another Place in Time” and have stories from Tamara Allen! Aleks Voinov! KC Charles! Jordan Hawk! Johanna Chambers! … It’s like the who’s who of historical M/M and I’m not sure how I ended up in there, but it should be fun and for charity too πŸ™‚

  5. I can’t wait for the follow up to the ‘Rebuilding Year’. Absolutely loved it, but felt the ending was ripe for a follow up. Loved John & Ry, but then have loved all the books of yours I’ve read – you have a lovely writing style. Do you have an estimate for timescale of release? (Yes, I’m that impatient for it! Sorry!)

    • Thanks for the kind words. I’m almost done with writing the first draft of Rebuilding Year 2 – just the epilogue left. But it goes through Samhain (who published the first one) and their process took 7-9 months for the other two books I have with them. I’ll definitely let you know if it gets accepted and I have any kind of release date. And in no way do I want you to be sorry for being eager for one of my stories. πŸ™‚

      • Well I’m pleased you’re nearly finished, but… 9 months (face falls!!)??? Ah well, I suppose good things come to those who wait. Is it cheeky to ask you to hurry up?! Thanks for your work Kaje.


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