Coming soon…

wolfPair Hey everyone, I wanted to touch base and let you know that I now have a release date for Unjustified Claims – the third book in the Hidden Wolves series.

Although we’re still tweaking the cover, this book will release from MLR Press on Friday Sept 19th. It’s a pretty long novel (about 133,000 words) and you’ll meet a new main-character couple, and encounter some old friends.

Here’s the blurb:

Brandt Davis loved being part of his Michigan werewolf pack, until they found his stash of gay porn. He escaped their anger, running in wolf-form into the wilderness, but he can’t live that way forever. And he can’t hide in fur like a coward when an injured man needs his help.

Ethan Sjulstad knows life is making him crazy when a solo hike into the Minnesota Boundary Waters seems reasonable. Then a bad fall leaves him seriously hurt and facing death. Delirious, he hallucinates being rescued by a big grey wolf and a naked woodland godling. For a man who has always loved fantasy, it’s worth surviving just to find out what the hell is going on.

There’s a fair bit of wild and rural country up in Northern Minnesota, near the Canadian border. There are real wild wolves up there, and it’s the kind of place a wolf in trouble might go to hide out. For a while. But there are also werewolf packs in Minnesota, and right now they’re a little jumpy, and a little worried about newcomers…

Ethan and Brandt will find their time together becoming complicated on several fronts, some of them ordinary and human, some of them… not.

I hope you’ll enjoy this new installment in the Hidden Wolves series. When I have the final cover I’ll be posting it here. Then you’ll get a chance to see what Brandt, a wolf on the run, and Ethan, a programmer and apsiring-musician turned motel-owner, look like. Soon.

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