Sharing covers with my heroes

Although perhaps not in the way that first comes to mind.

In just two days, the anthology Another Place In Time will be released. It contains historical short stories by the writers whom I most love to read in that genre – Aleksandr Voinov, K.J. Charles, Jordan L. Hawk, Joanna Chambers, and Tamara Allen. This is seriously my dream team of writers. When Susan, from Boys in Our Books came to me with the idea, and listed who was onboard to write stories, and then asked me if I’d contribute… I think I sprained a finger typing yes.

The jitters came later. Because really, I have one free historical story out so far. I’m the novice in this group when it comes to making the past live and breathe, and love. But it was a good reason to dive back into World War II research, which I’d had to forcibly put down to actually write Into Deep Waters. And it was a lovely excuse to write something new when I was really supposed to be editing novels.

And it meant sharing a cover with my heroes.

AnotherPlaceinTimefinal Another Place In Time is available for preorder on Amazon and Smashwords. It will appear on other retailers October 1st. All the profits from the book will go to in celebration of LGBT History Month, October 2014.

I can’t wait to read all the other stories in this anthology. I hope you enjoy finding my guys among the wonderful mix of characters, times and places. And if you’re not a fan of historical stories yet, I’m betting this anthology will be a great way to change your mind.

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