Unfair in Love and War story released

Another-Place-In-Time_thumb3 Today is the release of the anthology Another Place In Time. I’m really excited. I’m betting that fans who pick this book up to read a story by one favorite author will stay to devour them all. No doubt there will be a lot of “Why haven’t I read this author before??” comments, as readers meet the amazing men who live and breathe, and love, in other times and places, between these covers.


All profits from this anthology will be donated to AllOut.org in celebration of LGBT History Month, October 2014.

Included in this anthology:

“Office Romance” by Tamara Allen
“Introducing Mr. Winterbourne” by Joanna Chambers
“The Ruin of Gabriel Ashleigh” by KJ Charles
“Unfair in Love and War” by Kaje Harper
“Carousel” by Jordan L. Hawk
“Deliverance” by Aleksandr Voinov

Along with a foreword written by Alex Beecroft

Unfair in Love and War

My own story tells the tale of Warren, a young man who moved away from his small Wisconsin hometown to Philadelphia before the start of WW II. In the big city there were opportunities for him to really live a full life, including visiting a few lavender bars and other places where he could meet men of his own persuasion. He’s been fairly content there.

But then the war began. As his friends gradually volunteered or were drafted, his inability to join up due to the effects of childhood polio began to grate on him. Even his younger brother Charlie went into the army, and Warren was left in an unneeded homefront civilian job. And then Charlie was killed, over in France.

Now Warren has come home, to the small town he thought he’d left for good, to support his grieving mother. On the day he arrives, he finds the house next to hers vandalized. The man living there is a stranger to him – young, blond, handsome, remote, with accented English. The rougher of the local lads have decided he’s a German spy, even though Warren’s mother has seen the man’s Swiss passport. Both Warren’s sense of fair play, and his attraction, are engaged.

But in this place and time, after D-Day, as fighting and losses overseas mount, navigating hometown waters turns out to be a challenge. And Stefan is something far more complex than just the attractive boy next door.


There will be a blog tour for this anthology, with posts by each of the story authors, and a drawing for a backlist book from each of us, and more.

You can find those posts and the chance to win:
* Monday, September 29 – Sinfully Sexy (Guest Post – Aleksandr Voinov)
Rainbow Gold Reviews (Spotlight)
* Tuesday, September 30 – Elisa Reviews (Guest Post – Jordan L. Hawk)
Cup O’Porn (Spotlight)
* Wednesday, October 1 – Boys in our Books (Guest Post – KJ Charles)
The Blogger Girls (Spotlight)
Book Pushers (Spotlight)
* Thursday, October 2 – Love Bytes (Guest Post – Tamara Allen)
Attention is Arbitrary (Spotlight)
Smoocher’s Voice (Spotlight)
* Friday, October 3 – Prism Book Alliance (Guest Post – Kaje Harper)
Boy Meets Boy Reviews (Spotlight)
* Saturday, October 4 – Joyfully Jay (Guest Post – Joanna Chambers)
MM Good Book Reviews (Spotlight)


There is a giveaway that will be available throughout all blog tour stops.

A backlist ebook from ALL of the authors participating in the anthology (one each from Tamara Allen, Joanna Chambers, KJ Charles, Kaje Harper, Jordan L. Hawk, Aleksandr Voinov, and Alex Beecroft),
A $25 Amazon giftcard
A $50 donation in the winner’s name to AllOut.org (all proceeds from the sale of this anthology will also be donated to this charity)

AnotherPlaceinTimefinal The anthology is available at Smashwords, Amazon, All Romance eBooks and soon at other booksellers.

4 thoughts on “Unfair in Love and War story released”

  1. Holy Cowabanga. Thank you for the heads up. I luv visiting your site. There’s usually some new anth, novel or interesting topic on it. Got the anthology and it is pretty good so far. I luv Tamara Allen and she know her craft. Currently reading your story and it is da bomb. I know I should have probably read your and her last and savor the flavor like fine chocolate, but I couldn’t wait. You and Ms. Allen same caliber writers in term of historical. Although I wish as always with my favorite writers that the story was longer. 8-). Great job. and big thanks.

    • Tamara Allen is one of my very favorites in this genre so I really appreciate the comparison. I also tend to prefer longer stories (and in fact I went over the word-length recommendation even with this one 😉 Writing short is not my thing.) But I’m pleased if you liked it. I bet you’ll enjoy the rest too.

  2. Really enjoyed this, Kaje. Loved Warren and Stefan really resonated with me – I have epilepsy and the description of Stefan coming out of the seizure, the confusion and embarrasment was exactly how it feels for me at any rate.

    The other reason Stefan resonated with me was that one of our neighbours when I was growing up was one of the less than 6000 German soldiers who made it out of Stalingrad and back to Germany. He’s now gone of course, but I interviewed him for a history class in high school. It was the most amazing, fascinating story you could imagine and I have no doubt Mr Rudi censored it quite a lot – he told my father once that he was eternally grateful he was never ordered to take place in any massacres or atrocities.

    So, thank you for bringing back memories of a wonderful man with Stefan. 🙂

    • I’m glad the guys felt real to you. There are so many stories from that time… I read the book “Coming Out Under Fire – The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two” for Into Deep Waters, and there are a hundred details that could fuel a story. And then add the WW II events, like Mr. Rudi faced… I’m glad you got some of his story and are keeping it alive for a while. The past has a lot to tell us and sometimes I feel it slipping away, but fiction can preserve some of the heart of it, I hope.


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