A little story, and Facebook

First, I have a little post with a 2K story out today in celebration of

This event has been going on all of October, celebrating the genre with several posts a day. The contributions touch on all areas of the LGBTQ romance rainbow, including many M/M. I hope you like my story, “Legacy.”

Then stick around, read everything else, from great flash fiction to personal stories of real life proposals to commentary on romance in general and the genre in particular. Wonderful posts from so many people.

Second, I just put up a page on Facebook. You’ll recognize the avatar. Please do stop by, say hi, or friend me if you like. Be patient if I don’t respond fast. I have been so lost today doing this. Edmond Manning and my friend Sammmy have been sweetly guiding me through the maze (with only a little snark). I’m still on the steep part of the learning curve. But I look forward to seeing people there.

3 thoughts on “A little story, and Facebook”

  1. I judt finished “In Deep Water” and I cried during at least the last 2 chapters. It has been a long while since a book has touched me so deeply. You deserve some sort of an award for this book! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!


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