8 thoughts on “Cover reveal…”

  1. Yay! Great cover – there is a lot going on in those pictures! June 9…so far…and yet getting closer…I don’t want to rush past Spring (which is slowly trying to creep in here in NH) and yet I do want to rush to June 9…*finger poised to click*

    • πŸ™‚ Thanks for asking. Possibly not for a few weeks. They gave me a rushed release date, so we’re still in editing. For Amazon, at least, you can’t put up a pre-order without uploading the entire book (because whatever you load when you create pre-orders is what the people who pre-order will get, even if you load a newer version in the meantime – AZ is not user-friendly for revisions). You might see it up sooner for pre-order on Samhain.


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