Friends, reviews and love

GirlInTree For someone with a bunch of books out, I’m still fumbling around to find the best way to share my excitement over them with readers. I’ve had so many lovely reviews over the last few years (Thank you, wonderful reviewers!!), and my response has always been to do happy dances in private. But a dear friend (yes, you, Edmond Manning) told me that readers don’t mind being directed to a few of the good reviews.

In fact, he insisted I should toot my horn a bit more.

For those who know me, you know I loathe tooting my own horn. Horn tooter, I am not. In fact, when it’s time for horn tooting, I run out of the house, down the street, and climb a tall tree, hiding in the branches. As much as I love to write, I have an innate desire to throw my books to the public and run.


I do want to share Life, Some Assembly Required (The Rebuilding Year #2) with friends and readers who like my work. I want you to know I’m proud of this book. I like how it turned out.

LifeSomeAssemblyRequired300 So if you will permit me to share with you a few quotes from earlier reviewers, I’ll do that. If you’d like to talk to me, post a comment, or email me. I’ll be sitting up in the tallest tree at the end of the street.

From Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words:

“Kaje Harper’s The Rebuilding Year was one of my favorite books of 2012. It was the story of two seemingly “straight” men at an unsettled point in their lives, a time where they are discarding their past and trying to rebuild a future for themselves, and in John’s case, hopefully for his children as well. Now comes the sequel, Life, Some Assembly Required (The Rebuilding Year #2) and, with this story, I found myself falling back in love with John and Ryan, and their relationship. Never quite the fan of the “gay for you” trope, Harper made a serious argument for John and Ryan’s feelings in the first book.

“I love how Harper lets us see into their decision making process and relationship dynamics through their conversations, actions and lovemaking. Harper allows her characters the strength and depth that lets them act responsibility and respectfully towards themselves and those around them. Yes, this is a book about grownups in a thoughtful adult relationship.”

From Hearts on Fire Reviews:

“The long-awaited sequel to “The Rebuilding Year”, this book was everything I could have hoped for, and more! What I loved most about this story, besides the characters themselves, is the way the situations were handled. The way the men just took life a day at a time helped to strengthen their own relationship in the midst of chaos. These are ordinary guys who have an extraordinary love for each other, but who live otherwise conventional lives and continually draw together to reinforce their relationship, rather than be torn apart by the push and pull of family dynamics.

“It is such a pleasure to read Kaje Harper’s writing. Her writing style is engaging, her characters are three-dimensional, and the situations are realistic. The fact that this couple worked together to overcome family prejudices and pressure from both John’s ex-wife and Ryan’s brother, while maintaining their strong bond and growing closer together, made this book an absolute pleasure to read. I wish these guys were my neighbors.”


From Love Bytes Reviews:

“The Rebuilding Year is one of my all time favourite books. It fuelled my addiction for gay-for-you storylines and cemented my opinion that Kaje Harper is one of the best m/m writers that I’ve read. So finding out that there was a sequel to that book was both ridiculously exciting and kind of scary. As much as I was desperate to discover what happened next, sequels have the potential to ruin the first book and the idea of that happening to The Rebuilding Year was terrifying. I’ve only read the book about ten times. I’ve still got many re-reads left in me. Luckily, this book gave me exactly what I needed to contentedly leave Ryan and John living their happily ever after.”


I also have an interview and another kind review on The Nocturnal Library where Maja asked me some fun questions about my writing in general and this book in particular.


It’s so wonderful for me as an author to see people enjoying my books. And I had to laugh with pleasure when one of the mid-range reviews (from Dani(ela) on Goodreads) started out with “So here’s the thing: Kaje Harper can write the shit out of anything. I appreciate her books because they are often about real people, real life.”

Even when one book or another isn’t a perfect fit for someone, I still have the very best readers around. They make me believe that my stories are worth publishing, worth promoting, even if it’s from up in that tall tree, and with a push from a friend. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Friends, reviews and love”

  1. I agree. The way you write is so powerful. The way Ryan and John look at each other, every time either of them think “my man” your hart “clutch” for that love. The way that Daniel was looking for Trip, as a reader you where in the water with him, looking for his love and when he found him you cried of joy. The way Mac was so protective over Toney, you just want to lock him up to keep him safe, and in that second book, when Mac stood next to the bed, and thought “my man”. You are such a good writer, your guys become your readers guy, and their stories become our stories. Keep them coming- maybe one more for the Rebuilding year? I can not thank you enough for giving me these guys, and their families (except Cynthia) to love.


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