A Tracefinder blog post, excerpt and giveaway

Tracefinder-Contact-2512-V9Final I have a blog post up today on Prism Book Alliance – come check out a brief excerpt from Tracefinder: Contact where you’ll meet Brian Kerr, and read a little about my writing process. I’ll be giving away 2 release day ebook copies to commenters on the blog.


(Only comments on Prism are eligible for the book giveaway drawing. )

The book release is now scheduled for Saturday, January 9th.

7 thoughts on “A Tracefinder blog post, excerpt and giveaway”

  1. I had said we’d draw for two winners of ebook copies from comments on the Prism Book Alliance post, and the pull-out-of-the-hat method came up with “diannakay on 31 December 2015 at 1:01 pm” and “H.B. on 1 January 2016 at 12:04 am”

    I’ll be emailing them about their format preferences. And a big thanks to everyone who stopped by to comment.


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