When I released this book on audio, I didn’t expect it to ever be discounted. Audible.com sets the price for audio books, and the ebook from which it was created has been free for years on Amazon. However… it turns out that Audible has now whispersync’d this title, without changing the free price of the ebook.
That means you can now download the ebook on Amazon at no charge (http://www.amazon.com/Into-Deep-Waters-Kaje-Harper-ebook/dp/B00D8GLHYG/) and then add the audio narration for $3.47 to $5.50 (depending on where you live, exchange rates and taxes.)
I hope this will encourage people who’ve held off to consider checking out Kaleo Griffith’s amazing narration for this story. He made me cry and chuckle with my own words, and that never happens. He’s seriously talented, in this his first M/M audio title. (http://www.audible.com/pd/Fiction/Into-Deep-Waters-Audiobook/B016QQDXNW/)
This story pays homage in fiction to some of the gay men who served in the US military, and who not only risked their lives but who risked being exposed and punished for their love. Day by day, year by year, decade by decade, these men won their acceptance from friends and co-workers, and hoped for a place in their families, and helped all of us move toward a more LGBTQ-friendly world. And, in my story, found love to last a lifetime.
This is such a wonderful book, and the audio, excellent. If you do get the opportunity to do more audio, I will be there to buy them!
Thanks! I’m waiting to see if I can break even on this one, but I’d love to do more if I can justify the cost. My editor is very eager to get Nor Iron Bars a Cage into audio… so maybe.
This is one of my all time favorite books, period! I don’t do audio books because my attention span is almost non existent unless reading. I so love this book! It is perfection!
I don’t listen to audio books nearly as much as written either, maybe because I read much faster. But sometimes I find a favorite story is cool to re-listen to as an audio. It’s a different way of connecting with the story. And I know there are lots of people who do enjoy them a lot more.