Tracefinder: Changes …cover reveal and blurb

I’m really excited to share the cover, and blurb, for Book 2 in the Tracefinder paranormal mystery series, Tracefinder: Changes.

On the first book cover – Tracefinder: Contact – I showed you Nick, who is hot and dark and gorgeous. I hadn’t planned for just one guy per cover – I usually do both – but two things happened. First, I wrote Brian as a sweet, big, not muscled and not built, young guy with very blond hair. Then I went looking and… couldn’t find him! As I was searching, though, I saw that first cover picture and said “OMG, that’s Nick!” It really, really was. Down to the wristband and the pose. So I bought the picture and made Nick my first cover.

I had one reviewer complain that I put the sexy guy on it, instead of the guy with the most heart. And I understand what she meant, although the focus in book 1 is as much on Nick as Brian. I was determined that for the second cover, I’d find him. And the person who spotted my Brian was Sidney Lowell of Creative Minds. He took the challenge, showed me this picture he found, and once again it was OMG yes! He’s sweet. He’s blond. He has a big chest and shoulders, but skinny arms. He’s not a body builder, he’s just a perfect Brian.



Brian can Find a lost child or a wanted criminal, but when his secret gets out, even Nick’s skills and connections may not be enough to keep them safe.

Brian Kerr is now free of his dangerous boss and his domineering brother. He’s eager to start using his psychic Finding talent to help people, if he can figure out how to do that safely. His dyslexia, and his tendency to act simpleminded under stress, make building his new life a daunting challenge. And while his not-quite-boyfriend, Nick, is willing to support him, in bed and out of it, Brian doesn’t want to lean on Nick. If their relationship is going anywhere, he has to be a full partner and handle his own problems.

Nick Rugo’s walking a tightrope instead of settling into the ordinary cop’s life he’d hoped for. He’s hiding too many things from too many people. He has told professional and unprofessional lies that will come back to haunt him. Now, with Brian determined to start Finding again, he’s not sure he can protect the man he cares for. If all that wasn’t enough to make him start punching walls, he also has a suspicion that Brian’s brother Damon and sister Lori may be out there, lurking, ready to complicate their lives.

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