Tracefinder book 2 – released

Tracefinder2_Harper_1800x2700 It’s out – I’m so excited to share the continuing story of Brian and Nick with you.

Tracefinder: Changes – Tracefinder book 2 – is now available at
All Romance eBooks (pdf, mobi, epub) –
Smashwords (pdf, mobi, epub) – (with distribution to Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple in the next 1-3 weeks)
Amazon… waiting for it to go live.

I will update the Amazon link when I have it.

Winner of the free ebook copy from the post on this site July 27th was desireepinkerton – I’ll PM you about claiming your book.

This story is not the end of the road for Brian and Nick – they’ll be back in book 3 in 2017. This one does move our guys closer to their happy ending, though. I hope you’ll enjoy this further adventure, which finds our guys dealing with danger and desire, while facing cops, crooks, and family members.

7 thoughts on “Tracefinder book 2 – released”

  1. Loved the book and make me looking forward to book 3. You had me scratching my head- seeing as that I am from Sarasota, but there is so many private docks around here that I gave that one up. As for the mall it has to be the UTC mall- not that I have been there. Thanks for another great book!!!

    • I played a bit fast and loose with the geography – in most novels I want a mix of the real locations (for realism) and the fictional/invented (so I don’t get sued for having a shooting happening in someone’s real place of business.) ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Maybe – I’ve played around with the idea of a wedding novella when it became legal in Wisconsin – that would be about 3 1/2 years after “Life, Some Assembly Required”. But it’s not at the top of my list at the moment.

  2. 2017??? 2017!!! Nooooo! I can’t wait so long! ๐Ÿ˜ฑI hope that at least Damon and Doc will find their HEA too.And I know that Damon is a murderer, but I blame you for feeling this way.

    • As unlikely as it feels, 2017 is only 4 months away… I’m so glad you find something to redeem in Damon – although he’s resisting my hints that he might reform his character, he does stubbornly keep showing up in orbit around his siblings, as if he actually cares… we shall see.


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