Hidden Wolves book 4 – Unsafe Exposure – Revealed

I’ve been caught up in the release of Tracefinder: Changes but I also have another series book coming out in less than a month…

Unsafe Exposure – Hidden Wolves book 4 – will be released by MLR Press on September 9th 2016.

I now have the cover, and I’m delighted to show it to you.


Stepping out of the closet as a gay man may be a walk in the park, compared to coming out as a werewolf.

From the moment artist Dylan Shore arrives in Chicago, his life gets twisted like a kaleidoscope. Why does a street gang he’s never met before want him dead? Why is a hot but odd mathematician stalking him? And how can half the things Alex Corwin says possibly be true, no matter how honest he seems?

Alex has a frightening dilemma. Dylan is attractive, appealing, out and proud. He’s also completely unaware that he’s a werewolf. It shouldn’t be Alex’s job to tell him, and warn him that gay wolves usually end up dead. But someone has to, before he finds out in blood and violence.

Chicago’s not Alex’s home town, but somehow he needs to protect Dylan from the local packs, protect the Packs from being outed by Dylan, and keep his cool around the first man to touch his own deeply-closeted heart.


I hope readers will enjoy another look at my werewolves, as the Packs face their biggest challenge yet. And of course, the Minneapolis West wolves will show up to play a part, as Alex and Dylan cope with hostile humans, hostile wolves, and life changes neither of them could have even imagined a few short weeks earlier.

MLR usually does not do pre-orders. I will let you know if that changes. But otherwise, the book should be on virtual store shelves September 9th.

11 thoughts on “Hidden Wolves book 4 – Unsafe Exposure – Revealed”

  1. This is such a GREAT series, I am so glad you found time to get back to it and can’t wait to see what new adventures are being experienced. Congrats on the upcoming release!

  2. Hi. I’m really, really looking forward to this…though can’t believe we only have 3 month plus some days left in 2016! You wrote that Minnesota North wolves will appear in this book, but will the Minnesota West pack also show up? Or Brandt and Ethan? (I wish I could visit their motel…)

    • Ack. You’re right – Minneapolis West pack. *sigh* I can’t keep all my own guys straight. Ethan and Brandt are there too. New guys, old friends, and a challenge or two.


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