Meet Dylan and Alex – coming Sept 9th

The fourth Hidden Wolves book – Unsafe Exposure – will release this Friday, Sept 9th. I’d like to introduce you to the guys whose story it tells (with tiny spoilers from the first chapter only):

DylanAlternatePic Dylan Shore grew up on the move. He helped take care of his little sister, Frankie, as their mom took them from place to place across Canada, in her quest for a safe, workable home. When his mother died, Dylan at nineteen was left raising Frankie.

He loves his sister, and was glad he could be there for her. But now he’s twenty-four, and she’s finally off to college, with a scholarship from Northwestern University. Dylan’s proud as hell, and a bit at loose ends, as he delivers her to her new life in Chicago.

What he doesn’t know is that this will be the start of a new life for him too, with far more changes than he could ever imagine. The craziness begins in the moment when a young man stares at him, in front of the wolf cage at the local zoo, and says belligerently, and confusingly, “Hey, mutt, what’re you doing, coming to our town and not checking in? That’s bad manners. What pack are you with?”

Dylan doesn’t realize it yet, but his world is about to turn upside down.


AlexAlternatePic Alex Corwin has a job to do in Chicago – he’s helping a team of medical researchers design the best new cancer drug trial possible. Once that’s done, he can head back to the West Coast. He really misses his pack and family members.

Alex has been alone in Chicago, since his one packmate had to go home early. The local packs aren’t very friendly, but he has important work to keep him busy, and two more months will pass soon enough. Then he sees a young werewolf running down the street, pursued by a group of the local pack youngsters. Not his business, not his problem, but that guy out front looks over at Alex with fear and appeal in his eyes. And Alex slows the car, rolls the window down, and says, “Get in. Quickly!”

Just a favor for a fellow wolf, until the young guy he rescued tells him, “I don’t know any freaking pack. Or gang or tong or whatever. Hell, I wasn’t even in the Boy Scouts. Is this a US thing?” Pretty soon, Alex realizes he’s sitting next to a werewolf who doesn’t know who, or rather what, he is, and life will never be simple again…


Unsafe Exposure is the story of Alex and Dylan, of discovery and risk, of confusion and attraction. Being a gay werewolf is hard enough. Being gay and out is unthinkable. But being a werewolf who has no idea what he is, where the dangers lie, or how hard the species works to stay under the human radar? That’s a disaster waiting to happen. Dylan is running confused and a bit irritated. Alex is running terrified. Somehow, they’ll have to be honest with each other, and find trust, just to survive.

Unsafe Exposure is not up for pre-order, but will be on sale Friday, September 9th, at most ebook retailers and on MLR Press.


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