Big Gay Fiction Giveaway

bgfgbannerfile11-16 I’m joining with 80 other M/M authors in “The Big Gay Fiction Giveaway” – a promotion event to offer free M/M novels, novellas and short stories for one week only, Nov 20-27. My book in the event is a regular freebie novel – Nor Iron Bars a Cage – but many of the books are free this week only, and some are books I’ve paid for, read, and given five stars. Lots and lots of goodies available – mystery, contemporary, fantasy, SciFi, historical M/M, and more. All you have to do is…

Check out the page, and click on the books you’re interested in from instaFreebie. In most cases, you’ll be asked to sign up for the author’s mailing list in exchange for the book. (Unless, like me, the author doesn’t have a mailing list…) Then you’ll be emailed a free copy. Here’s the link to Jeff and Will’s Big Gay Fiction Podcast page. You can also find the book list on Michael Jensen’s author blog. Thanks, guys, for all the hard work setting this up.

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