Re-release of Life Lessons short stories

As I’m updating old books, I decided to get a new cover and do a minor edit for “And to All a Good Night” – the free Life Lessons 1.5 short story. And I added the Valentine’s 1.8 story – “Getting It Right” in as well. Isn’t the new cover by Karrie Jax pretty?
This version is now available on Smashwords, ( although it will take a little time for it to work through the system to AZ, B&N etc.

There is no new Mac and Tony story in here, if you’ve already read the two old ones. But if you haven’t, here’s a chance to check them out with a spiffy new look. These both come between Life Lessons and Breaking Cover. (And yes, someday I still hope to write about Mac and Tony with teen kids πŸ™‚ But not this year.)

A re-release of The Rebuilding Year with a few edits and the old familiar cover is the next project.

5 thoughts on “Re-release of Life Lessons short stories”

  1. Love the new cover. But on Smashwords pdf the cover is missing. I’m not sure what the problem is but this happens a lot on the pdfs on that site.

    Also, can you give us a idea of when your next book will be out?

    Love your books Kaje. You can never write fast enough for me!

    • Yes, unfortunately Smashwords doesn’t let authors upload a pdf, they generate it. (The epub is uploaded and pretty πŸ™‚ ) And the pdf they create often is missing the cover, unless you also put a duplicate cover into the .doc text, which can sometimes cause a problem for the mobi… If you would like a pdf with the cover, tell me here – I have your email with your comment, and I can send you one. πŸ™‚

      My next book isn’t quite planned yet. I’m getting ready to re-release The Rebuilding Year, and looking into audio for it. And then Life, Some Assembly, and Sole Support which will get a full edit. I have a new collection of YA short stories – Rainbow Briefs 2 – in editing under “Kira Harp” to come out in a month or two.

      Tracefinder 3 is 80% written, but I’m not happy with a bit of the plot, and my editor is having some real life issues, so it’s on hold for a bit. Finding Family 3 is at 30%, the sequel to Full Circle is at 50%… A Rebuilding Year short story is just started… A story in the Nor Iron Bars universe is just started… This has been a rough few months for a variety of reasons, so I’m not sure which of those will emerge when. Thanks for your interest.

      • Yes I would love a pdf with the cover. The books all look the same with out the cover so it’s hard to search them. It was fun to go back and visit Mac and Tony. And thanks for the update Kaje.

  2. I absolutely LOVE A Rebuilding Year and Life Some Assembly Required! I’m rereading both books for the third time. I actually logged on this morning to ask if there is anymore to their story, so I’m very happy to learn you are releasing both books and a short story is in the works. Of course, I think both books are perfect as written. Is it possible to find out what happens to John and Ryan after Ry completes medical school?

    • Thanks πŸ™‚ I’m not quite sure when the short story will come in Ryan’s career – I have to do the math in terms of number of years, and research the progression from med school, whether he’d be in residency or what. I’m glad you enjoy the books as they are – I’m not planning any big changes, just a little polishing and re-proofreading.


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