May 17 – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

Today – May 17 – is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia – a day to speak up about anti-LGBTQ laws and discrimination, about hate and fear and risks around the world. In places from Chechnya to Saudi Arabia to Uganda, it can be life-threatening to be LGBTQ. Here in the US, bigotry also threatens lives. Even as we make advances here and there, step by step in stories I love to share, still we see painful realities. We see our governments unwilling to speak up against imprisonment and torture and death, muzzled by money and politics. We see them allied with those who would deny care, housing, and love itself, to LGBTQ people. So it’s our place to speak louder in their stead, and to push, and sue, and advocate and vote, until equality moves forward.

I am proud, and hopeful, to be part of a community that tries to do that, every single day. Not a perfect community. Not one where lessons of acceptance and understanding don’t still need to happen. But one where the goal of letting people be their true selves without hindrance or bigotry is the driving force. – includes lists of international gestures and events


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