Pride 2017

This weekend I did a booth at Twin Cities Pride with four of my fellow local Midwest Gay-Romance Authors – it was great fun and more comfortable weather this year. (I’m sure the leather crowd was grateful to have 60s instead of 90s this year, too.) We had a little rain each day, but brief enough not to send the crowds home. I met some great people, had fun conversations, and healed my heart a bit, with the sight of so many people just being who they are, and wearing what they liked, and holding whomever they loved.

I gave away 250 more #illgowithyou trans-support buttons, sold some books, got a few people to clean their glasses with new screen cleaners with Nick’s pretty face on them. It was a ton of fun.

Big thanks to Melissa Hunter for helping with set-up Friday. It would have been impossible without you. Thanks to Jessa Ryan for the canopy, and to Posy’s kid for the company and the help, especially at takedown. My fellow authors Posy Roberts, J R Jen Barten, and Rory Ni Coileain, who shared the booth, and Edmond Manning, who couldn’t attend but sent a butterfly to check up on us.

And a huge thank-you and hello to everyone who stopped by to check our stuff out, or browse, or talk books. It was a lovely weekend.

2 thoughts on “Pride 2017”

    • So sorry we missed connecting up. We were in the red section, close to the corner with PBS. I was amazed how many people were out again as soon as the rain stopped. I thought folks would go home, but an hour later it was more crowded than ever. I hope you had fun with what you did see.


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